AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (next stop - Nekocon)

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by moonbunnychan » Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:06 am

lol, I probably won't go. 5 Guys isn't the greatest of places if you happen to be vegetarian.
They have a veggie sandwich but it's basically just the toppings of a hamburger minus the hamburger and not really worth it.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by Gaelstrom » Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:54 am

You could still grab a subway or something and join us, I'd like to meet everyone and that may be the only chance... especially with the WONDERFUL schedule changes that are happening ^^ I guess another alternative is to meet up a few minutes before the premiere on Saturday and grab some 'creator' seats if they even have those.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by Squancho » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:35 am

I think we should all arrange to sit together and approach Scott after the Salad to express appreciation for everything they did to keep us on the schedule. It's good for our image. ;)
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by Gaelstrom » Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:49 pm

I'm all for that, absolutely. I still think we should ask him what he thinks would work better as a test pattern noise or transition. Like I said before, based on his description he's probably not the type of person who appreciates randomized comedy as much as he prefers a comedic narrative (he's a fanparody creator after all) so I'm not sure what he could suggest, but I'm sure curious if he has any good ideas to make a more unique and interesting transition. Personally I love the power of the test pattern and the noises used in the original and AMVS3. There's not much logic to it, no, but then that's sort of the point :D

The other night as I was falling asleep though, I thought of something that really intrigued me. Family Guy does the aside cuts all the time, and it made me think it would be cool if there were an actual fanparody ala Evangelion Redeath that also had cuts aside to AMV Hell/AMV Salad style clips when they're mentioned. It would be quite complex and of course require a lot of good resources, writing and voice acting, but the idea still was intriguing ^^

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by Squancho » Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:45 pm

Anyone who's familiar enough with Family Guy will have at least three different favorite moments of "That's worse than the last time I..." or whatever. The script wouldn't be too difficult after a plot / theme / subject is decided, main anime episode / series / OVA determined, etc. I already have a female voice talent and myself.

Fuck...this is too good an idea to not put serious thought into. All we'd need are the corresponding FG flashback sound clips. This could be the one that seriously sets our "brand" apart from AMV Hell... :asd:
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by Gaelstrom » Fri Jul 16, 2010 5:13 pm

Heh, I am trained a bit in acting since I'm an animator as well, and I've actually done a little ADR work for my game, so I can voice act as well. We'll have to determine if whomever we get will work or not. Go figure, this would end up being AMV Salad: The Motion Picture and we'd STILL follow in AMV Hell's footsteps in that regard, haha!

I wasn't considering that we'd use actual Family Guy clips as the asides, but for a quick example of what I meant, say we chose Beck as the base anime:

Ryuusuke: "If we're going to get 'Shiny Happy People' out there into Live Houses, then we-"

Taira: "I thought we were called 'Beck'..."

Ryuusuke: "Hey, who's the leader here?"

Taira: "...this is looking even worse than that last band I was with..."

*cut to the Haruhi clip playing Dragonforce from AMVS2 but a composited arrow pointing at Nagato saying "Taira" or something*

That's not very funny a cut of course, but for example purposes, the idea was basically take AMV Hell style clips (I was thinking new ones, but they can be older as well), maybe even request from creators to use some of the ones we like, and make it so that AMV Salad still exists as a random clip thing, but give it an actual plot with the clips inserted as Family Guy STYLE asides. This way we have unlimited aside ideas and people can come up with whatever they want. It will also limit the amount of time we have to land those jokes so we'll be forced to be creative. Darkness would be perfect for those, those appear to be his strong points if you can get him interested (I've always loved his clips, you can probably see the similarities in his style of humor and mine, actually.)

The one drawback is there would have to be that the writing would have to be exceptionally good. We have enough bad fanparodies coming out in recent years. The jokes have to be excellent, and the story purposeful as well, so ego would have to be out the door and we'd need a test group to tell us if it sucked before we ever proceeded. I've been a writer for years, and if you truly wanted to do this Deuce, I'd love to help out as a sound board for ideas and editing (both written and video ^^).

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by Squancho » Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:00 pm

Everyone else weigh in...AMV Salad 5: Family Dining!

If accepted, it would be a Family Guy-style parody.
Anime base: to be discussed / voted on.
Script / story: to be developed.
Flashback / asides: audio provided; editors choose one at a time from a list - OR - past AMV Salad clips used - OR - a combination of both.
Voices: to be cast - details later.

To call this an ambitious idea is an understatement but would this not be awesome?
What do y'all think?
Shall I put out an interest gauge?
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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:34 am

Interest may be generated more if a few ideas can be determined to be voted on or considered by everyone. There could even be a brainstorm session at the 5 Guys dinner for example. This is definitely something that should be created in larger conversations though, with like you and a couple others or something have say over what gets in finally or something. Basically like sending in clip ideas, just this time brainstorming them and giving them to someone and letting them get it in somehow into the plot. I honestly have seen the most incredible ideas come about because of back and forth conversations where they don't latch onto any ideas immediately, so I'd suggest some chat sessions to see what people would want. I'd love some MSN or AIM convos to see what comes of them. Brainstorming sessions between my friends and I always lead to fun new ideas.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by krvabo » Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:19 am

I dont really like the idea if i'm honoust.
I like the short random-y way the clips are put together, there are sooooo many other amvs which follow a plot or a real theme; how would it be any different?

Also: I hate family guy so I don't get what style it has to be.

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Re: AMV Salad 4: TV Dinner (OTAKON World Premiere - 10pm 7.31)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:31 pm

I think you may have misunderstood. It wouldn't be an Anime Music Video, it'd be a true fan parody, as in rewritten plot, voice acted by us, and edited together to match that plot, like Evangelion Redeath, This is Otakudom, Nescaflowne and such. Granted it may be better to have it be an AMVS spin-off rather than AMVS5 perhaps. Even if you don't like Family Guy, the style in which they randomly switch to something else is rather similar to how we do it, except we lack the plot. Deuce misunderstood what I meant before and seemed to think I meant specifically Family Guy audio, when what I really meant was that we would emulate their methods.

Now the big challenge is, and this is where people who don't like Family Guy would actually be useful, is to make sure it doesn't become something that people go "Oh they copied Family Guy." So perspectives other than that are just as useful in guiding the idea to being something more unique and enjoyable by a wider range of the audience.


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