Hi! Well the thing is this:
I was using VirtualdubMOD as always did, to encode stuff and opening MP4 and MKV
files with avisynth. The problem begun with a raw episode file i got. This file it's
a mp4 with, i guess, avc1 codec...I can play it, but not import it in any software...
well anyway, the whole file info is right here:
Code: Select all
#ASYNTHER DirectShowSource
DirectShowSource("F:\Downloads!\Bounen no Xamdou - 25.mp4")
So, i asked in msn to some friends and they recommended me not use VdubMOD
anymore and download the last Vdub included in AMVapp 3.1. Hell, I did that today
and installed most of the AMVapp stuff. And it was worst...
I can't import avs scripts in Vdub, not MP4, not MKV stuff anymore, VdubMOD didn't
open again and well...it just says "Avisynth open failure: Avisynth script open failed!"
I didn't move the files, didn't touch my codecs...so, what can i do to import again
in my vdub MKV and MP4 files?? Please, help!