I see...thanks!! so it's all good then....but somehow I didn't receive any message updates in my e-mail from you....I'll add your personal e-mail anyways...ReligionX wrote:This is your 2 weeks to the deadline notice.
If your editor name is fallzz, and your e-mail address starts with st and ends in yahoo.com, and your video is uploaded to http://www.animemusicvideos.org, I sent you an e-mail using the e-mail you sent, and sent in your video information, on December 12, 2010. My e-mail address is ReligionX@animemusicvideos.org.fallz19 wrote:to the moderators: I already gave the link of my vid through e-mail......but I haven't received any approval yet or any reply...so I would just like to inform you guys once again...and hopefully you'll send an approval message/reply..thanks!
The 10 point scale is just for the pre-screening, to determine which videos make it into the AMV Contest. The winners of the AMV Contest are chosen by con-goers only. At the convention, each person is given a ballot, and may select their favorite video in each genre. While we love our con-goers very much, we wouldn't want them to have to look for technical issues and give point deductions to videos. If a person selects 2+ videos in 1 genre, we don't count their vote for that genre.Monitor Zombie wrote:Is the 10 point scale just an in house judgement system to figure out the finalists or does it have bearing on the final winner as well? Will we be notified of our ?/10 score and/or if we made the cut before the con?
The persons participating in the AMV Contest and / or General Screening will have their editor names posted, in a list, on this forum and the zenkaikon.com forum. If you want to know your score(s) from the pre-screening, you may e-mail me after the pre-screening.

MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!