AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (Nekocon 14, here we come!)

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by Gaelstrom » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:05 am

Never feel bad about having done such a wonderful job, Moonbunnychan. You saved our butts last year with an absolutely brilliant idea, so don't even worry about it. If you hadn't stepped up, AMVS4 wouldn't have been the hit it was I think. The Geico Money clips were the steel foundation to it. And you're right, I shouldn't have forgotten that the Tenchi one wasn't yours, my apologies ^^ I forgot who did it actually... again my apologies -_-

Anyway, I honestly believe we need to seriously have a vote on our available choices. Energizer may have seemed best to me before, but I'm wary of the very old, very awkward footage we have available for it. It's not a problem with the idea at all, just what we have available. Plus we'd need to get clean audio of the male voice over.

I'm asking seriously, so far here are the known ideas:

1) Energizer Bunny
2) Alphabet
3) One of these things is not like the other
4) That old song about our nether regions from a few months back
5) The explosions from that Youtube Poop I posted above
6) Bel Airing

I think there were a couple more, but I couldn't find them. Please feel free to list whatever I forgot. I would have gone with the energizer bunny normally, but after trying to work with the footage, I think it'll be our enemy.

I know it was my idea, but I honestly think the explosion one could be really fun and give us the strongest stage in which to make a funny, variable running gag. It also requires very little work comparatively, and like I said, it can be with clips as long or short as we want. You could use it with every single genre and have multiple build-up scenarios, both short and long, ironic or direct, just like the Geico Money. A lot of it is sound-based though, but that isn't hard to work with compared to footage.

Honestly, what do you all think, we're on the home stretch, I think we can make something epic if everyone is inspired.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by Squancho » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:57 am

With the explosions, do you mean like the one gag in this other AMV Hell-type video where, every so often, a clip would unexpectedly end with "What the fu*EXPLOSION-LAUGHTER*"..?
If so, that could be good.
BTW, I can't believe I sat through that entire episode of "Poop."
Kinda reminds me of this:
Anyway, the alphabet anything like inappropriate anime set to a lesson about a random letter?
Either way, explosions are always good. ;)
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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by Gaelstrom » Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:57 am

Actually I want to avoid the WTF Boom since it's so overused. I wrote that in the post with the poop, because everyone can see it coming. We COULD use it once ironically, probably, but I think the true humor of the explosion is if you use the same explosion, the same explosion sound, or both in conjunction so it becomes recognizable as the same thing.

For example, I used that *click button* *BOOOOOOM!!* timing in my Gundam one, and I think turning it into a running gag could work. Not just the explosion, but the audible clicking noise over silence (which could be more than a button, I have a sound library) and then the explosion. As long as we have a single consistency between all clips, they could work.

And that Demented Cartoon is almost exactly what I'm talking about with running gag timing for the explosion. Among other things. Like how they use the fanfare, and the 'wheeee' and such is all following the same concept. Consistent and recognizable. Like that is some of my favorite explosion timing ever. Not all of it is great, but some of it is just epic. Not the crazy random stuff in our situation, but an actual anime scene that we fool the audience into thinking will lead somewhere, and we take it toward an explosion before they catch on.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by moonbunnychan » Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:06 am

I really love the energizer bunny one...mainly because it can have that kind of build up unexpected humor like the Geico money. But it really depends finding good bunny footage, and I've looked too and haven't found any.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:30 am

moonbunnychan wrote:I really love the energizer bunny one...mainly because it can have that kind of build up unexpected humor like the Geico money. But it really depends finding good bunny footage, and I've looked too and haven't found any.
I agree... that really was the only problem. That's why I was happy I thought of the explosion one, because I thought it was similar enough, has all the benefits, including impact, visual/audio cues, no build up limitations so it allows the same style, just different than using a character. In fact chances are with minor differences, any idea with Energizer could be altered to an explosion. But it's only if people can have fun with that slapstick level timing and humor. What do you think, is it a worthy alternative? If so I'll buy the Batman episode immediately for the sound and timing and give it to everyone ^^ It can also work because if anyone finds funnier explosion timing, footage, and sound effects, we can use those instead. Ideally we'd use an explosion that is a joke in and of itself like the WTF BOOM one, but not that one specifically.

Anyone have thoughts? We still have some time, but we do need to get a bit more active to make a decision.


EVERYONE! I have an idea that I'd like all your assistance with. I realized that intros are the best place to find dynamic things like characters running/flying/whatever toward and away from a camera. If you can think of any series that have intros that might have a situation like that, please check them out and let me know. If you have a DVD rip of the textless intro that would be even better :D

This'll be a very tough idea to pull off on time. I need ALL the help I can get.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by krvabo » Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:21 pm

The first part of the first ep of Mahou_Tsukai_ni_Taisetsu_na_Koto_Natsu_no_Sora (and the intro) has a few nice ones on a bike, or bicyle as you would say :)

The intro to Tales of the Abyss has a few off-center shots in which they aim at something next to the 'camera'

Kimi_ga_Aruji_de_Shitsuji_ga_Ore_de (they are my noble masters) ep 1 has a part in the first ep where a butler throws a punch to the camera

Kanagi ep 1 has a scene where children are running away towards school and away from the camera...

That's about the first 7 anime that I have archived and skimmed through the first ep.. There are a _lot_ of series where there are characters running away / towards the camera or are doing somthing to the 'first person standpoint'. It's really hard to get a grip on your idea.. How long do the scenes have to be? Is there an action in particular that you're looking for? The ones I've seen are plentiful in any anime I guess? Can you be more specific?

Intro of Mahou Tsukai Sora:

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:13 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. They seem like some of them can potentially work. I agree, after discussing with my friends, it's hard to see the idea I have in mind without some visuals. Basically, this is the idea. Using Code Geass footage, Lelouche will Geass Suzaku, which, for those who don't know, is basically using a special eye effect to 'hypnotize' him. That eye effect has a certain graphic that goes along with it, which emulates traveling the nerves up the eye into the brain. I'll be replacing that with the Dr. Who wormhole and the Dr. Who theme, and I'll be having the characters in the actual wormhole basically going through it alongside the Tardis, kind of like dimensional traffic. I'll also be changing the Dr. Who title to AMV Salad 5. I'm still considering the idea and how it'd be best portrayed. A lot of it is just for laughs having a bunch of anime and videogame chaotic references in the wormhole. The idea is it's like an anime intro in itself, but as an intro to AMVS. Afterward, I was going to have a shot of Suzaku in silence for a moment after the music stops, and take the Quagmire line from Family guy "...the hell, did I just get laid?"

Specifically stuff I'm looking for is iconic characters dealing with the screen. Something that could be fun in the wormhole. One I've found is Kagura riding Sadaharu in Gintama. There's a clear run loop in the first intro which I can mask in and scale it so it looks like they're running through the wormhole. It's ideas like that I was looking for. Another is in the intro of Chi's Sweet Home is just a shot of Chi with an open mouth, and I had the thought to maybe have that shot fade in and the wormhole going through the mouth (may not work, have to try). It's meant to basically be a slideshow of anime reference inside its own reference. The game references, like the mario squid going across the screen, and the Star Fox R-Wing flying around the Tardis also struck me as fun.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by krvabo » Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:06 pm

I still don't have a clue :D

Unless you mean Chobits with Chi, I've never seen any of the anime you've mentioned (nor Dr Who)..

I've got more ideas than time, so I just need to find some time to get at least 2 clips done before the deadline..

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by Gaelstrom » Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:32 pm

I posted it before: That's the intro. Or at least the version I'll be using, because the person mixed it to be stronger. If you haven't seen Code Geass either, it won't make a difference, but the other reasons I like it is it's good music, attention-getting, and just a good intro I believe. I liked how the Onion theme caught attention very well in AMVS4, so I wanted to do something similar. I can't start immediately with it, so it won't be the same, but I think it may be amusing. I'll find out for sure if it does well or flops at Otakon... if I ever manage to get it done -_- I'll do my best to have the basics done and post it so you can have the real visuals as soon as possible so you can get a better idea, but it'll be a bit of time.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal

Post by Honou_Miko » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:07 am

Gaelstrom wrote: EVERYONE! I have an idea that I'd like all your assistance with. I realized that intros are the best place to find dynamic things like characters running/flying/whatever toward and away from a camera. If you can think of any series that have intros that might have a situation like that, please check them out and let me know. If you have a DVD rip of the textless intro that would be even better :D

This'll be a very tough idea to pull off on time. I need ALL the help I can get.

...Oh man. I made a DN clip that was supposed to be a "thanks for 1,000 subscribers" video before my first YouTube account got deleted at 995 subscribers. OTL But, it was Light running away from a ton of girls running towards him (audio was taken from the scene in Monty Python's Meaning of Life when the criminal gets to choose his own method of execution, and chooses to be chased off a cliff by a bunch of half naked women). I am at work right now so I can't access the project file on my home computer, but I can definitely provide running scenes. A lot of the ones I used were running from one end of the screen to the other, but not all. There is also a torrent of OP/ED themes that I pretty much took everything from - MASSIVE torrent, but you can pick and choose which series themes you want to download. I'll provide the link to that one too if I can find it, once I get home.

And I will crank out more videos, I promise! And send along what I have so far, once I am back on my computer.

edit: In the meantime, is a good reference point. XD

second edit: Just a forewarning, I think the Dr. Who/Girl Who Leapt Through Time connection has already been made in AMV Hell 5, if you were still thinking about that. Unless someone mentioned that and I haven't quite woken up yet/am distracted with my job (priorities lol)

MORE EDIT: I haven't quite been keeping up with suggestions for the bunny. But did anyone see this Energizer Bunny ad? I think it's very workable for a gag, although I can't think of something specific for footage. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more.
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