Kariudo wrote:Chained(E)Studio wrote:Kariudo wrote:A family friend the same age as I am is getting married this summer
That reminds me that I've been single for all but 1 day of my life so far (I thought it was closer to 3 months...but that's another story)
... well if org really states your age then you have nothing to worry about =D you are still young, and have lots of time to find your lucky lady... I am sure she'll pop up one day when you least expect it : ) Plus! Getting married so young isn't always best : ))
Yes, I'm really 23 (I think...whatever the org says I am is right.)
I'm in no rush to get married. It's just when most of my nerd buddies are in relationships and people I know are starting to get married it's hard not to feel like I'm being left behind.
That said, I'm not gonna go jump into a relationship for the sake of having a relationship.
If nothing else, it'd be nice to feel like I actually have a shot. (Can't tell if I do or not, and sitting on the edge is more unsettling than knowing one way or the other)
I know the feeling. Exact same situation with me right now, even down to the age - and I'm graduating from college in under a month, so I feel like my only chance to meet someone interesting, and have time to get to know them, is kind of slipping away. (Although, I have you beat. Ulty has been in a relationship for zero days in her life.) I mean, I don't even want marriage or a family, but when nobody has ever been interested in you and you have a friend the same age who is already pregnant with her second child, you start to wonder if you're really just that much of an awkward duck.
We can be forever alone together, Kariudo.
- Jen
PS: oh, and here's my rant for the day, and it's aimed at you men. You know, I'm totally cool with you ignoring the fact that I'm a girl and just treating me like another guy friend. We can game together, we can complain about women (hey, mud slings in both directions), and I can be your wing(wo)man and you don't even have to worry about me cockblocking you. But for fuck's sake, don't double standard me. Don't treat me like I'm a guy friend and then get weird when we actually hang out. Don't suddenly notice I'm a chick on days that I happen to dress cuter and push me away because you're paranoid I'm coming on to you. (So sorry that I was born female and I play up that asset - and anyway, you really have the self-conceit to think I'm doing it just for you?) Either way then, I lose, and that's not only unfair, but incredibly irritating as well. I typically get along better with guys than girls because of mutual interests, but I have very few guy friends because they all turn into morons the instant we get past a casual "hello." Moreover, isn't that kind of selfish? You automatically assume that because I want to be friends that it means I'm trying to get in your pants? Grow up, guys - and you know, I wish I could just blame it on you, but we would all get along a lot better if men AND women stopped playing stupid relationship games. This screws up potential friendships for the rest of us.