Here are the hosting, upload, and download restrictions for the Golden Donut. These restrictions are designed to keep the service running and running smoothly for all.
- You may not upload videos containing sexual nudity or excessive graphic violence. If you upload a video containing sexual nudity or excessive graphic violence, you will no longer be able to upload or download videos from this site. There will be no warnings. The first offense will get your videos removed and have you banned. If you think that maybe your video contains any scene that might possibly be considered sexual nudity or excessive graphic violence by the admin of this site, it's best to play it safe and not to upload it.
- Locally-uploaded videos should only be anime music videos. "Anime music videos" are defined on our website as videos primarily consisting of Japanese-origin animation source.
- You may upload one video file per video. This means that you can’t have an MPG versions and a RM version and an AVI version and an “I’m not quite done” version and an “Ok, I’m done” version. You get to have one “official” version of the video uploaded. Once the file is uploaded and confirmed, the file cannot be replaced or removed.
- Upload file sizes are limited to 150MB for each file. With a donation of $12 or more to AnimeMusicVideos.Org, however, this limit is increased to 250MB for each file for one (1) year from the time the pledge is fulfilled.
- Please only upload the video file, not a compressed file (zip, rar, etc.)
- Uploads will be via FTP. Upload speed is limited to 128KB/s. Since you just need to read the file list, download speed is limited to 1Kb/s via FTP.
- General video downloads will be via HTTP. Download speed is not limited by the server and is only limited by the amount of bandwidth available.