AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (Nekocon 14, here we come!)

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Sun May 29, 2011 1:16 am

moonbunnychan wrote:When it comes to cuts, I wanted to cut the K-On radio song one anyway, since I really struggled to make it work in any kind of engaging way (I was a little surprised to see it in the beta). I still like my She Ra and Spider Pig ones, but they are the weakest of the ones I submitted I think. If they can stay...awesome...but if it's really coming down to the wire, it wouldn't break my heart to loose them. Maybe they can be my first official clips for AMVS6 or something. :awesome:

Who did the Screw in the Tuna one? I'd say that's definitely the weakest link right now, solely for it's length, not the content.
I agree with Shira and Spider Pig, but the K-on radio song is one of the ones I liked. Your choice for censors was great, in fact the only part of it that made me go 'awww' was when you didn't censor that last part with Yui because I wanted to see what your choice would be. You had me actually waiting for it ^^ In fact I'd highly recommend adding that last censor in. For some reason using the iconic parts of the intros/endings made it that much more... well... iconic; and funny :D Especially Mio shaking her hands nervously at the honks, that was definitely a worthy climax.

The K-on songs: I preferred the 'song on radio' just a bit more than the 'not wearing underwear today' because I don't remember it being done before personally. Not wearing underwear was done in AMVS3 or 4, and really well, and for me personally I'm very big on avoiding something that's been done well before. Kind of like how nobody can make an AMV to Sail On anymore because you can't really beat the One Piece AMV to it ^^ I just believed that the lipsync needs a couple more hours of work for 'underwear' and it'll be quite solid. Seriously, not even that much time. Concert footage can be used instead of slowdowns if necessary as well. In fact ending with a shot of her in the concert hall singing from the end of season 1 and then some girls reacting squeeishly would work in contrast to how much fear she had of tripping ^^

Haruhi Funky Town: Haruhi singing Funky Town makes me nervous merely for the fact that everyone's bored of that Haruhi footage, but the fact that the clip wraps up so quickly and has the rarely seen before "Thank you" makes it work. The problem is just the lipsync, since I've found the humor of a singing clip is directly proportional to its matching.

Half Hour: I'm for avoiding shooting for the half hour mark if we have to rely on some of these clips not getting the attention they need. Time means nothing without quality. We have PLENTY of time to fix the ones that can do with a bit more work, people don't even need to spend a lot time on them. The key is getting it strong by the final deadline (obviously a couple days before to guarantee no problems). We have two full weeks to truly get this taken care of for the June 24th deadline, and we can easily have them done by the beta screening with a little work.

We lack the explosions, so 5 days unfortunately won't work. Moonbunnychan, myself, and Miko at least all had stuff going on this year, so it wasn't our year to focus fully, so this blessing of extra time should be treated as just that. Plus, your computer's working, Deuce ^^ *knock on wood*

I believe we should all do a quick list of what should get some work done. A final tally of things that could get a quick bump in quality.

Here's mine:

4chan memes: Lengthen the scene of the 'watching you fap one for a bit if possible. I know the scene is a short flashback, but perhaps you could duplicate the footage and reverse it so he spends a few seconds looking back and forth, even with Ryoko blinking it'll almost be like an e-card or something, and it'll give people time to read and react and the music won't be cut off. The others, not too fond of.
K-on Underwear: Discussed above.
Chiyo Lazytown: Talked about this before too. Can you work with this one's lipsync moonbunnychan?
Haruhi Funcytown: Discussed above.
Mnemonics: Too long and unrelated unless you were to incorporate another character as the narrator. I don't care if it's even Saki or one of the other girls, but the male teacher would be best. Just a few shots of him, please, it can be such a more epic clip.
On a Boat: Still vote for cutting I'm sorry to say, too close time-wise to what we did two years ago. Nice effort and irony though. I'm just for believing fans will have seen the others, or will find them if they enjoy themselves, and we don't want to be redundant, among other things.
Robot Unicorn: Still think we can speed up the end and make them run really fast into the star at twice the speed and make it an explosion clip. Will work well I believe ^^ Please post if you're okay with this, it will be a good one, I promise you. I'll guarantee much of the 4chan audience will be sick of this song and love the explosion twist.
Shira: Agree on the cutting. Good job on irony, just not quite there in humor.
Spider Pig: Ditto.
Prostitute Hippo: While I say this should be cut JUST for 'sucky sucky 5 dollah' I honestly leave it up to the rest of you. Anime's too obscure for me to think most people won't be distracted by wondering what it is.
Keroro Communist: Dunno... just too slow a clip, even if the idea is amusing... if there's no way to speed it up, I'm for a cut.
Gundam Gay: The more I think of this clip, the more I just don't know what to think. There was a parody using X a few years ago that used this same audio and was done better, but few probably remember. I think this needs lip syncing to match rapidly to truly be funny. I think Miko's Death Note Family Guy had much of its hilarity from the excellent, EXCELLENT lip syncing. I can't state enough how much stronger the humor is in anything with strong syncing.

I can promise at least three new clips in the next couple of weeks (including the FMA one once I narrow it down better). Quick, pallet cleanser ones, the ones we have a shortage of. I have limited time, so I'll be focussing on those a LOT this week and next since I have seminars the next two weekends.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Sun May 29, 2011 10:07 pm

The prostitute hippo and on a boat ones are actually two of my favorites (ones I actually did in fact "laugh out loud" at) I guess with those two it's just a matter of opinion...everybody does laugh at different stuff.

You liked the K-on one? Ok, I may think about it again then. Like I said, I just didn't think it was all that interesting or engaging. Also I didn't censor the song myself, it came that way.
The Funkytown, Star Trekin, and Underwear ones are all mine, and I know need lip sync work. I just need to find time to actually do it.
Not sure how much faster I could make the robot unicorn one without it looking obviously sped up...but I think I can make it explode better. Also should I make the explosion at the end of the Star Trek one use the same explosion noise as the rest of the stuff?

I like the She-ra one and am just so on the fence on what other people's reactions to it would be...and really would like to at least get some sort of outside reaction to it before cutting it, unless it really is make or break for the time limit.

Oh and is everybody doing exploding production tags?

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by Squancho » Sun May 29, 2011 10:21 pm

moonbunnychan wrote:Oh and is everybody doing exploding production tags?
I was thinking about that.
Might make one myself this time...
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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon May 30, 2011 12:45 am

I honestly believe we shouldn't all do exploding tags unless it makes sense. krvabo's fits with the snaps, because the "*Snap**BOOM*" fits the timing (as well as his tag is long enough to get his name in), but I don't think any of our other tags warrants explosions other than his, and plus, it'll just get repetitive, expected, so on and so on. What we really need is more explosion clips, which I hope to be a part of rectifying in the next couple weeks. I hope others are being worked on as well.

K-on Song on radio: I was talking about the visual censorship. I know the song well, but it was your use of such recognizable footage as the censorship that made it really amusing the first time I saw it ^^ But the problem is how the footage is slowed, the lipsync is not really there, etc. Plus I think the footage of the piano-playing feels strange, almost like it comes off as her playing the censor sounds, which caught me off guard. Perhaps you might consider switching that with something else as well, but that's more minor. I just really liked the classic song usage and the K-on usage.

Funkytown, Star-Trekkin, and Underwear: It really seems like you went all out this year with fun ideas, but few of them have gone through refinement stage I guess? They're all good ideas, but you have them at 'first pass' level in quality right now. You sounded like you were quite busy this year though, much like all of us were unfortunately, so it makes sense. I really do hope you get the chance to spend some time on them. You only need an afternoon a piece I think at most. You just need to be careful about using the slowdown footage. For example, the first half of Underwear is great, the last half is where the people I've shown and people here seem to start picking up on obvious sync inconsistencies, culminated by the really slowed-down footage at the last shot. And with Star-trekkin, things like Kyon staying so long on the 'laws of physics, laws of physics' etc without shifting, and Mikuru's repeated sniffles or yelps or whatever she was doing, I'd say still-framing that, taking three stills of her mouth movements and then manually spend ten minutes syncing it with duplicated layers would work well if you have that ability.

Oh and you're absolutely right, can't believe I hadn't considered it before. The explosion could definitely work with the new *click**BOOM* sound. If there's a shot of one of them pressing a button, like Nagato hitting enter on the keyboard actually works. But instead of using the explosion from the anime, I think you'll need a REALLY exaggerated space explosion, like Namek or something, to make sure it gets that comedic exaggeration. It'd work well I think if you go with "I can't control it ca-" and in the middle of cap'n you show the button click with the sound and then the explosion.

Robot Unicorn: Don't worry about speeding up the footage. I only mean the part at the end, not the full clip. That actually is really REALLY slow compared to actual gameplay for the game, so don't worry about that at all. Double the speed won't be a problem. I was actually sitting there and had the time to think 'hit the star, hit the star, hit the- aww, no explosion' when I first saw it ^^ This one too I think could do with an apocalyptic boom as well. Maybe even replace the star with something ironic that is unexpected that would cause an explosion? Currently anything that happens with the star would be expected, so mixing it up may be worth considering.

Prostitute Hippo and On a Boat: Prostitute hippo I don't really have a problem with, but it's so obscure I don't know how people will react. The clip itself was a tad slow, but the real reason was I'm for bringing the production to a lesser time and have stronger impact. I'd trade that one out to make sure 'sucky sucky 5 dollah' has full impact anyday, but that's really the only reason. For On A Boat, really it's that the joke is now old. It was actually old back when it was done in AMVS3. That and I just found out that another parody that'll be playing this year will have the joke as well. I just personally feel like we've already been down that road successfully and there was nothing new AMVS as a whole could really gain from it. I'm not particularly adverse to keeping either one though, just get this bad feeling about them.

She-ra: As long as Deuce can guarantee he gets a reaction video this time, I think that's a great idea to keep in anything we're not sure about. I find the She-ra one to be less funny and more 'yeah, kinda' in my reaction. I kept trying to find the connection but couldn't do it, and when I recognized I had to search, I realized that was an immediate concern. That's why my vote was for cutting. I don't say that to be mean or anything, I really don't want to be. If it works at the beta, then I'll be extremely happy to be dead wrong. I just want to hear uproarious laughter from the audience, that is ALL I want, because when that happens, all of us feel good.

EDIT: OOOH!! Moonbunnychan, great news! I was at Phoenix Comic Con this weekend, and today I walked in on 'AMV Comedy Hour' panel and what do I walk in on? My Haruvi Baadoman clip playing! After it was finished I mentioned who I was and what I'd made and he said before it he'd shown several AMVS4 clips he loved, including turning your geico money clips into a gameshow! He turned it into "Which of these is a real Geico Commercial." I wish I'd been there to see it, I'm going to try and contact him and see how he did it, if we do a panel, perhaps something similar could be done.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by moonbunnychan » Mon May 30, 2011 1:19 am

Gaelstrom wrote: EDIT: OOOH!! Moonbunnychan, great news! I was at Phoenix Comic Con this weekend, and today I walked in on 'AMV Comedy Hour' panel and what do I walk in on? My Haruvi Baadoman clip playing! After it was finished I mentioned who I was and what I'd made and he said before it he'd shown several AMVS4 clips he loved, including turning your geico money clips into a gameshow! He turned it into "Which of these is a real Geico Commercial." I wish I'd been there to see it, I'm going to try and contact him and see how he did it, if we do a panel, perhaps something similar could be done.
Holy crap that's awesome....I wish I'd known about it!

And I know you aren't being mean lol. Like I said I'm on the fence about it as well, which is why I'd love to know an outside reaction. If it ends up not working, it doesn't work. I don't really take it personally or anything. Really that applies to any of mine.

Just for reference, in case there's any other issues or comments or whatever the ones that are mine are : Duck Hunt, the Sailor Moon fluffy, the underwear K-on, the Osaka one with the knife, How To Train Your Charizard, the lazytown one, the electric slide one, the funkytown one, the Kay Jewelers one, Mnemonics, Phantom of the Opera, the radio song K-on one, She-Ra, Spider Pig, Ninja Turtles, Too Sexy, Robot Unicorn, Touch Me, the Sailor Moon Princess and the Frog one, Star Trekin', the kick ass and chew gum one, and Winter Wonderland.
I'll do my best to fix what I can.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by SammySamaProductions » Mon May 30, 2011 2:15 pm

Sorry for not chiming in sooner...I was away at a camping trip -_-*.

As for cuts on my end PLEASE FEEL FREE to cut the "I can't believe it's not butter". I had sent it to Gael to assist with the audio but at this point I don't think it's worth it with all the other things we all have yet to get finished in order to make this the best it can be. I have sent in quite a few since the last beta so it's not as if we will be loosing all that much time, just substituted. I have also made corrections to those clips which had glitches in the original and sent them in with the new ones. Is there anyway we can get an updated "Beta" out soon with all the clips we've received? that way I think we could really see what needs to be cut and once we get a good feel for it we can work on order and arrangement.

As for Gag clips on my end I had a wonderful idea for a double "Double fluffy boom" clip (As I figured we could do the "It's so fluffy" as a mini gag and this clip would kind of tie the two together) but unless I use this Optimus Prime audio clip (Try to find a way to download it first though -_-*) my idea may not work. If anyone could help me I am looking for a audio clip that has the phrase "Any last words?". I am unable to find one except for the Optimus one I I could probably come up with something but if anyone happens to have that audio clip and or a link to YouTube or something that I could download it from PLEASE reply here with the link or send me a PM?

From what I'm gathering we don't necessarily need any more "new" clips but any time remaining for those of us who don't need to make clip corrections should be spent on working on explosion gag clips, is that correct? If I can get my hands on that audio clip I need you will have another one and I will try to come up with a few more. I'm trying to keep away from the actual audio before the explosion as that would be repetitive but just to get an idea about how many would we need for this?

I will try my best to get a few more gag clips to you within the next couple of days and if there is ANYTHING anyone needs help with (help to try and tighten up lip sync or what have you) please let me know! I would be more than happy to help you out! Please also let me know if there is anything else we need done to get this pretty much finished. Again sorry for the late input and the long message. Now I'm going off to get to work ^_^

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by Gaelstrom » Mon May 30, 2011 4:23 pm

To truly complete this project, at least to a full alpha state, I think a couple more explosion clips are the bare minimum. I love the idea of tying together the fluffy and explosions. Where is this optimus prime clip you were talking about? Did you find it and can't get the audio or... ? And if that doesn't work, are you looking for lines from anywhere to add in, or specific anime clips? The current strongest explosion clips are actually yours, the two ones I call the 'obvious' ones ^^ Even the current ideas we have for new clips aren't quite as strong unless we can get a button click into the mix

For other clips, since thanks to moonbunnychan, the title should be changed from TV DINNER to "AMV Salad 5: Moonbunnychan is insane," I don't personally believe we should lock out others just yet ^^ While some clips definitely need an audience test run, others we can tell through experience whether they'll work or not after the fact. Moonbunnychan had a very prolific year, but I personally am behind on my desired clip amounts. I had a lot going on this past year that killed my creativity and desire to do anything, and while that is my fault, I want to make up for it. I have two seminars coming up, so all this week, I'm going to be focussing on clips, and next week when I get back as well.

I want to do some smaller ones like one piece "Good morning my neighbors!" and such to break apart longer clips. We've got an abundance of long ones. Any I made would probably fit snuggly inside the time for Spider Pig or She-ra if either got cut. Plus we also need to cut a solid minute, if not more, off of the Screw in the Tuna clip. If whoever did that isn't in contact or isn't able to comment on my request to change some of the better footage from the later portion into the beginning and then cut it off during the arm flailing portion, Deuce can at least cut it off easily enough. The idea's extremely solid, just a bit too long. Even if people were still laughing at it, I don't think that one should push its luck ^^

One question for you all, what do you think of me doing a version of my original Gundam one where he DOESN'T explode? Where he goes "Now then! YIKES! AND AWAY!! *Click*" *Still shot of the gundam* Cut to him, still, then have him click repeatedly, then show Zechs sitting in his chair as the clicks are heard over the footage, cut back to the gundam, then cut back to Heero and just have him stop and go "SH**" and end on that. May be a decent one for post credits perhaps? I'm still trying to think of other good ones.

SammySama, no real two ways about it, that was fuckin' funny ^^ I laughed out loud truly four full times after watching it, there's something new to catch each time. Your timing is really there, and the explosion was good too. You can tell that the explosion is coming because it's mustang, but because you used the fluffy line (as well as that awesome ed face everyone loves ^^) it doesn't matter that they know what type of clip it's going to be. This'll be absolutely perfect near the end after the other explosions and fluffy clips, a wonderful unification. Very nice job ^^ Only thing I wonder is if we should up the volume on the 'fluffy' lines across the whole production, they may be a bit hard to hear in an auditorium, especially if there's any residual laughter in the audience or anything.

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by SammySamaProductions » Mon May 30, 2011 4:42 pm

Gaelstrom wrote:
One question for you all, what do you think of me doing a version of my original Gundam one where he DOESN'T explode? Where he goes "Now then! YIKES! AND AWAY!! *Click*" *Still shot of the gundam* Cut to him, still, then have him click repeatedly, then show Zechs sitting in his chair as the clicks are heard over the footage, cut back to the gundam, then cut back to Heero and just have him stop and go "SH**" and end on that. May be a decent one for post credits perhaps? I'm still trying to think of other good ones.
I think that's a great idea! I'd love to see a version of that when you get it finished!
Gaelstrom wrote: EDIT:
SammySama, no real two ways about it, that was fuckin' funny ^^ I laughed out loud truly four full times after watching it, there's something new to catch each time. Your timing is really there, and the explosion was good too. You can tell that the explosion is coming because it's mustang, but because you used the fluffy line (as well as that awesome ed face everyone loves ^^) it doesn't matter that they know what type of clip it's going to be. This'll be absolutely perfect near the end after the other explosions and fluffy clips, a wonderful unification. Very nice job ^^ Only thing I wonder is if we should up the volume on the 'fluffy' lines across the whole production, they may be a bit hard to hear in an auditorium, especially if there's any residual laughter in the audience or anything.
I can go through my clips and up the volume on the fluffy lines if you think it would be best. the only volume control I have though is through Sony Vegas. I'll up the fluffy volume, render and then substitute it into the clip to see if it's better. If it is I'll replace the line in that clip as well as the other two fluffy clips I've sent to Deuce.

At this point I think I've run out of explosion ideas...if you happen to have any suggestions I'd be more than happy to act on them. :D

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Re: AMV Salad 5: Happy Meal (ONE WEEK to FINAL deadline!)

Post by SammySamaProductions » Mon May 30, 2011 5:50 pm

I raised the fluffy audio on this one, any better?


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