I agree with Shira and Spider Pig, but the K-on radio song is one of the ones I liked. Your choice for censors was great, in fact the only part of it that made me go 'awww' was when you didn't censor that last part with Yui because I wanted to see what your choice would be. You had me actually waiting for it ^^ In fact I'd highly recommend adding that last censor in. For some reason using the iconic parts of the intros/endings made it that much more... well... iconic; and funnymoonbunnychan wrote:When it comes to cuts, I wanted to cut the K-On radio song one anyway, since I really struggled to make it work in any kind of engaging way (I was a little surprised to see it in the beta). I still like my She Ra and Spider Pig ones, but they are the weakest of the ones I submitted I think. If they can stay...awesome...but if it's really coming down to the wire, it wouldn't break my heart to loose them. Maybe they can be my first official clips for AMVS6 or something.![]()
Who did the Screw in the Tuna one? I'd say that's definitely the weakest link right now, solely for it's length, not the content.

The K-on songs: I preferred the 'song on radio' just a bit more than the 'not wearing underwear today' because I don't remember it being done before personally. Not wearing underwear was done in AMVS3 or 4, and really well, and for me personally I'm very big on avoiding something that's been done well before. Kind of like how nobody can make an AMV to Sail On anymore because you can't really beat the One Piece AMV to it ^^ I just believed that the lipsync needs a couple more hours of work for 'underwear' and it'll be quite solid. Seriously, not even that much time. Concert footage can be used instead of slowdowns if necessary as well. In fact ending with a shot of her in the concert hall singing from the end of season 1 and then some girls reacting squeeishly would work in contrast to how much fear she had of tripping ^^
Haruhi Funky Town: Haruhi singing Funky Town makes me nervous merely for the fact that everyone's bored of that Haruhi footage, but the fact that the clip wraps up so quickly and has the rarely seen before "Thank you" makes it work. The problem is just the lipsync, since I've found the humor of a singing clip is directly proportional to its matching.
Half Hour: I'm for avoiding shooting for the half hour mark if we have to rely on some of these clips not getting the attention they need. Time means nothing without quality. We have PLENTY of time to fix the ones that can do with a bit more work, people don't even need to spend a lot time on them. The key is getting it strong by the final deadline (obviously a couple days before to guarantee no problems). We have two full weeks to truly get this taken care of for the June 24th deadline, and we can easily have them done by the beta screening with a little work.
We lack the explosions, so 5 days unfortunately won't work. Moonbunnychan, myself, and Miko at least all had stuff going on this year, so it wasn't our year to focus fully, so this blessing of extra time should be treated as just that. Plus, your computer's working, Deuce ^^ *knock on wood*
I believe we should all do a quick list of what should get some work done. A final tally of things that could get a quick bump in quality.
Here's mine:
4chan memes: Lengthen the scene of the 'watching you fap one for a bit if possible. I know the scene is a short flashback, but perhaps you could duplicate the footage and reverse it so he spends a few seconds looking back and forth, even with Ryoko blinking it'll almost be like an e-card or something, and it'll give people time to read and react and the music won't be cut off. The others, not too fond of.
K-on Underwear: Discussed above.
Chiyo Lazytown: Talked about this before too. Can you work with this one's lipsync moonbunnychan?
Haruhi Funcytown: Discussed above.
Mnemonics: Too long and unrelated unless you were to incorporate another character as the narrator. I don't care if it's even Saki or one of the other girls, but the male teacher would be best. Just a few shots of him, please, it can be such a more epic clip.
On a Boat: Still vote for cutting I'm sorry to say, too close time-wise to what we did two years ago. Nice effort and irony though. I'm just for believing fans will have seen the others, or will find them if they enjoy themselves, and we don't want to be redundant, among other things.
Robot Unicorn: Still think we can speed up the end and make them run really fast into the star at twice the speed and make it an explosion clip. Will work well I believe ^^ Please post if you're okay with this, it will be a good one, I promise you. I'll guarantee much of the 4chan audience will be sick of this song and love the explosion twist.
Shira: Agree on the cutting. Good job on irony, just not quite there in humor.
Spider Pig: Ditto.
Prostitute Hippo: While I say this should be cut JUST for 'sucky sucky 5 dollah' I honestly leave it up to the rest of you. Anime's too obscure for me to think most people won't be distracted by wondering what it is.
Keroro Communist: Dunno... just too slow a clip, even if the idea is amusing... if there's no way to speed it up, I'm for a cut.
Gundam Gay: The more I think of this clip, the more I just don't know what to think. There was a parody using X a few years ago that used this same audio and was done better, but few probably remember. I think this needs lip syncing to match rapidly to truly be funny. I think Miko's Death Note Family Guy had much of its hilarity from the excellent, EXCELLENT lip syncing. I can't state enough how much stronger the humor is in anything with strong syncing.
I can promise at least three new clips in the next couple of weeks (including the FMA one once I narrow it down better). Quick, pallet cleanser ones, the ones we have a shortage of. I have limited time, so I'll be focussing on those a LOT this week and next since I have seminars the next two weekends.