Honou_Miko wrote:(Actually, if you're overloaded on Hetalia clips, I really wouldn't mind scrapping the Happy Meal one unless there's a way to tie it into the title more. Seeing it in context of everything else I'm like ... meh. If you like it though, by all means keep it.)
No! Don't say that about the happy meal clip! It's one of my favorites
*Phew* All right, that was in every way stronger ^^ I have far less to say about this one, so most of this is just clip arrangement thoughts.
One thing that I don't understand is the Robot Unicorn clip and a few others wouldn't play correctly. It was jumping like crazy for me, I couldn't see it in real time for some reason in 3 different players. Anyone else have that problem? But of the like... 3 frames I saw of the last scene, the timing is infinitely better, and I noticed it's a screen-wide explosion now, and I personally think it did actually help it a lot. In fact my brother is sitting behind me playing a game as I was looking through it, and he heard the timing and laughed even while distracted by the game There's just something stronger about a word being cut off by an explosion at the right time. But can someone upload that clip to youtube or something so I can see it in real time? I'm hoping it was just me that was seeing it jump so badly.
Anyway, much better! A lot of my clip movement thoughts are very minor to try and strengthen the ending a bit, but here goes.
Comments on edits:
Spoiler :
Muppet Babies: All right, I do like this, it doesn't feel like it winds down its energy now, but it does feel kind of abrupt. In fact now that I look at it, part of the reason Hair Back And Forth worked so well is because I was feeling "All right, that was kind of looHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" as a reaction as muppet babies wound down. This was a great test, but I think my initial cut idea was premature, I think we should cut it right when the cell phone men look up the skirts. What do you all think? Hair Back and Forth: What are we going to do about this being done before by someone else? Now being aware of it we can't let it go, so what should we do? Ask the person on youtube to allow it, or...? I personally think it's definitely worth getting permission, especially there. The Paprika Babies/Hair Back and Forth contrast is superb. Totally throws off ALL expectations, and that's exactly what we want.
*Tenchi fap: Officially perfect. Both of them ^^ Bake a cake: The section between 3:33-3:35 is absolutely wonderful. Before and after that she still is doing that awkward hit in the middle of her sway loop. If you could make those sections more like that second verse's loop, this'll be perfect I think. ...chiyo is so damn adorable... ^^ Dokuro-chan: I'm not going to talk about humans exploding now, but that jumping in the footage MUST get fixed for this to be a solid clip. It's only technical, but that jumping is extremely distracting. The entire audience will start off thinking about the jumping, not the content, so that needs to be addressed and it'll be good to go. Sailor Moon Fluffy: This one still has the old fluffy dialogue, we gotta switch that out. Mitsudomoe Fluffy: Still old sound I think? Sounds lower than the girl moaning with the other hugging the tail. That one's perfect volume I think. Song on Radio: Still love it of course, but I guess the fact the footage is slowed noticeably still makes it a bit awkward. If you can find a way to get the footage quicker, it'll be awesome, if not I guess it'll be what it is. I'll rewrite a few small suggestions here though that may help it a tad:
-That first shot of Mio cussing, please have it on screen a little longer, more like the length of the red lights with the button noise one. Don't worry if it's on for a little more than the beep. And I'd suggest using a less convulsing bit of footage for Mio, it looks very strange in relation to the slowed main footage.
-Secondly please extend the third cuss with Mio flailing a little longer, like a few frames.
-Lastly, I still think if you cut to another cuss footage for the last cuss ("The ****ing words are awfully strong" one) it'll be stronger, and you can speed up the last Yui shot and end with strong motion since it'll need less time to fill. Raptar: The parrot is still very out of place, even if this isn't an explosion clip. I think this one definitely needs something in the place of the parrot to be at its peak potential for the punchline to hit strongest. I still believe the explosion idea will work perfectly for this as long as it's cut together right, we just need explosion footage of a city.
*Star Trekkin: Wonderful ^^ Wasn't expecting the explosion, beautiful ^^ Mikuru still looks strange, but it's far, far stronger and much less distracting. Gundam Fail Explosion: Nah. A good thought, but it's too much noise happening at once for the beginning. I'd let the explosion fade, wait a second, then cut directly to the clip. Also I think your tag is a bit close to the end of the song. Not a big deal, but I'd be curious if there was another place for you to put it. Maybe even put your tag over the end explosion, then the second of silence, then the clip.
*Audience Deaf: *Slow clap* Beautiful Deuce... absolutely beautiful. Talk about a nostalgia hit... god damn that movie for depressing me about summer during school. Actually you do realize with a clip like that, we could toss the gundam fail explode into the center of the credits as an audience holder and try that out?
Clip arrangements:
Spoiler :
Sucky Sucky 5 dollah: I think the Sucky Sucky 5 dollah is too close to its original. I think Sucky Sucky should probably go back to before the Death Note Troll Face. That'll absorb its laughter very well too, and not be too far away. Rebel Dick and Pokemon Electric: Some reason I feel that these should be switched. Electric feels more nostalgic, I feel like it'll be stronger closer to the beginning. Rebel Dick strikes me as a hump-clip for the center somehow. This Button Do Explosion: I think this one should go after the Death Note Troll one as well. Kind of equidistant between the Sailor Moon and Mitsudomoe Fluffy clips. K-on Wayne's World: I get the feeling this one should be a bit later... perhaps between Funky Town and My Buddy? What does everyone think. Problem I see is the explosion laughter from the unicorn will cut into "Kung Fu Staring Contest," I'm sure laughter will drown out some of the words. I don't know what I can do about the audio on this honestly. It's already normalized... if AMA proves it's got a big problem, I'll do something. Library: Starting in the midst of the song is quite strange here. Stranger than the previous beta for some reason. Maybe because later on, her starting with 'but' feels more like she's continuing something, when in this case it's a bit early. Not sure, either way this clip is going to haunt us for one reason or another ^^ We'll have to see what happens at AMA. But I'd suggest switching this one with a musical one later on in the production betwen halfway and 3/4ths of the way and see how that feels. Toys R Us: Think this one'd be best used between the K-on Metalocalypse one and 1800 contacts. Sailormoon Sleighbells and Azumanaga Cat: Think these two should be switched, and then moved back a few clips to maybe right before Star Trekkin. Gundam Gay, Insane Kid, and Slappy Holo: I believe these should be switched around with others for a bit stronger ending. We want to go out with high energy clips. I love the insane kid, but it's so gentle and the energy is high after the clips just before it. I think the Insane Kid should go back after Dokuro-chan, because it'll contrast the energy and randomness of the first explosion in a fun way. Gundam Gay may be fine, but it could be switched with Knife Wrench and see how that works. Slappy Holo I think would go well right after the Kay Jewelers. Then after that is Small World then we'll hit Pinky and the Brain for a sort of Animatiacs section ^^
As a final thought to simplify some of the above, you could even just take the ones at the end, the last three before the fluffy-boom, and just move them collectively to before Star Trekkin, same with the Azumanga Cat and Sailor Moon one and then we'd have some very strong clips at the end, give or take Toys R Us, I don't think that one's a finisher. Anyway, all of that is thoughts that are generally minor, give or take the ending clips. You cut this one together well.
Locations for Chobits and Captpan6's clip. Hmm... well, let's see, I'd say that Captpan6's clip is very much like the connection between Paprika Babies and Hair Back and Forth. If we lose Hair Back and Forth due to it being used on youtube, I'd say replace it with this one and see what happens. Other than that, maybe even put it after Toys R Us, wherever that ends up, to re-create that contrast. As for Chobits... hmmmmm... this one's probably similar to the Stapler one and Rebel Dick one in feeling. I'd say it could go anywhere in the last half to mix up a couple music clips. Like the combo of USA, Funky Town and My Buddy if any of the above don't already mix that up. It feels like a last-half type of clip. I trust you can put it someplace good, just preview how the one before and after it work with it and it should find its place well. Anyone else have thoughts?
One other thought, Captpan6's could go in the credits as an audience holder, even though I don't think he'll appreciate that much. We really do need at least one really good, quick one in the credits. Captpan6's is similar to the pedobear in timing.
moonbunnychan wrote:...or not. I'm apparently over my free download limit.
Also I'll accept your slow clap, I made the teaser
Shoulda known. When we meet this year for dinner on Thursday night, because I refuse to allow my flight to be 8 hours delayed again, remind me that I owe you a high five. I owe you several from Geico money anyway. In fact, screw it, I wanna have your babies.
Ok, finally able to watch it. It was way choppy for me too (and my while the whole thing played my player said it was only 2:48 lol).
I gotta say though, I don't like the full screen Robot Unicorn explosion at ALL. I REALLY want it to go back to the other one. I'll just have to agree to disagree with Gaelstrom about it, I think it's way funnier being like in the game. I hate it to the point I think I'd actually almost rather not use it then have it that way.
Other then that, making the Princess And The Frog one shorter definitely cuts on the drag. As does cutting back on the Muppet Babies one.
I also think having the Gundam one go right into the teaser feels sort of awkward. It's not awful but it may work better if it's a credit breaker.
Other then that...man this flows great. It's SO solid.
By the way, what IS the running time on this now since my computer can't tell.
moonbunnychan wrote:Ok, finally able to watch it. It was way choppy for me too (and my while the whole thing played my player said it was only 2:48 lol).
I gotta say though, I don't like the full screen Robot Unicorn explosion at ALL. I REALLY want it to go back to the other one. I'll just have to agree to disagree with Gaelstrom about it, I think it's way funnier being like in the game. I hate it to the point I think I'd actually rather not use it then have it that way.
Other then that, making the Princess And The Frog one shorter definitely cuts on the drag. As does cutting back on the Muppet Babies one.
I also think having the Gundam one go right into the teaser feels sort of awkward. It's not awful but it may work better if it's a credit breaker.
Other then that...man this flows great. It's SO solid.
By the way, what IS the running time on this now since my computer can't tell.
Credits included now, and including the not-yet-in Chobits clip and Captpan's it'll be approximately 27:30. (That file was 26:50).
I disagree to a point, I think keeping Robot Unicorn too close to the game's explosion isn't necessarily the best choice, but perhaps having just had it hit with this new timing is enough. Having it blow up in the middle of "harmony" is much, much funnier to me since it's just enough time for the watcher's mind to catch up to what they know is going to happen. So it really keeps them in the moment (although I want to see it without jumping problems to make sure the timing feels right). I think the fact that it had too much time between the scene start and the explosion was the biggest offender, more than whatever the explosion ends up being. I really do want to find a large explosion on a cliff somewhere though and try cutting to it to see what would happen, although I do recognize the potential that cutting away from it could backfire... may be fun to experiment with.
And I didn't even notice Princess and the Frog was edited down, I did recognize it didn't feel as slow though, I thought I was just used to it. So if it was shortened, excellent ^^ It felt great.
One last thing I want to know seriously. Does anyone think the text during the Geass effect in the intro is too hard to read? I keep getting this little inkling that it's a hair too fast or the color blends too much. If anyone has any feelings on this, please speak up, I can adjust it pretty quickly, but I'm sure I'll have to do so fast.
moonbunnychan wrote:...or not. I'm apparently over my free download limit.
Also I'll accept your slow clap, I made the teaser
Shoulda known. When we meet this year for dinner on Thursday night, because I refuse to allow my flight to be 8 hours delayed again, remind me that I owe you a high five. I owe you several from Geico money anyway. In fact, screw it, I wanna have your babies.
No no, you're my hero for making that epic Doctor Who opening. It really is the best thing ever. I appreciate the constructive criticism too (even if it doesn't always seem it or if I don't always agree lol).
Honestly though I'm not totally sure how available I'll be Thursday...all of my room mates are people I generally only see either AT Otakon because they were net friends to begin with or now for limited times because they'd moved, so Thursday has kind of always been "omg we need to reconnect!!!" night. We'll see though, maybe I can pop by. Otakujpop (who made the On a Boat and Gay clips) is also rooming with me at Otakon. If nothing else we should try and meet up post Salad somewhere. Maybe pick a designated spot so it's not like last year, where, I found Deuce because I already knew him and that's it lol.
BTW who IS going to Otakon?
moonbunnychan wrote:
Honestly though I'm not totally sure how available I'll be Thursday...all of my room mates are people I generally only see either AT Otakon because they were net friends to begin with or now for limited times because they'd moved, so Thursday has kind of always been "omg we need to reconnect!!!" night. We'll see though, maybe I can pop by. Otakujpop (who made the On a Boat and Gay clips) is also rooming with me at Otakon. If nothing else we should try and meet up post Salad somewhere. Maybe pick a designated spot so it's not like last year, where, I found Deuce because I already knew him and that's it lol.
BTW who IS going to Otakon?
Hope the Otaku in attendance will agree with you on the Dr. Who intro.
I definitely am going to Otakon. In fact, I'd say we make it a reconnection dinner really. I meet a friend at Otakon I only see once a year as well. Since we all have to eat Thursday night (if we're there of course) anyway, may as well just be all us AMVS creators and our friends. Just a big social occasion for all us antisocial otaku! I personally will be there with either 3 or 4 other friends and we always hit up 5 Guys, and it's always crowded though of course, so we could set a designated meeting time there, get food, and go outside, or at some other restaurant and at least try to do an initial connection with one another. Another possibility is, depending on peoples' travel plans, also meeting for lunch on Sunday since it's a wrap-up day. I'm for both, personally, I want to do something new this trip. 10 years going to Otakon and eventually the carnival atmosphere does need something new to it to mix it up... hence why I started making parodies in the first place ^^
I forget if this was mentioned before... did we end up not getting a panel Deuce?
I read the panel list Otakon posted and didn't see it. (So sad).
Me and my friends stay Sunday night, because it's just easier for the people traveling cross country to not have to cut Sunday super short. (My farthest room mate is from California).
From what I've seen, there's a lot of general cross over where nerd stuff is involved. A high percentage of people who like anime are also into stuff like Who, Star Trek, etc.
I think I like the Azumanga cat one towards the end actually. I think it's a definite high note to come so close to the end.
I also wonder how much laughing is going to be coming for the Tuna one because there IS a laugh track lol.
I also noticed I must have left in like a second of black at the end of the Star Trekin' one.
I noticed that the Excel contruction one was gone, and the Muppet Babies and Princess and the Frog one were shortened. Was anything else missing? It felt like it but I couldn't tell.