I've found the best flight out to be 6 PM Sunday. Plenty of time to leave leisurely, and saves a night of hotel costsmoonbunnychan wrote:I read the panel list Otakon posted and didn't see it. (So sad).
Me and my friends stay Sunday night, because it's just easier for the people traveling cross country to not have to cut Sunday super short. (My farthest room mate is from California).
From what I've seen, there's a lot of general cross over where nerd stuff is involved. A high percentage of people who like anime are also into stuff like Who, Star Trek, etc.
I think I like the Azumanga cat one towards the end actually. I think it's a definite high note to come so close to the end.
I also wonder how much laughing is going to be coming for the Tuna one because there IS a laugh track lol.
I also noticed I must have left in like a second of black at the end of the Star Trekin' one.
I noticed that the Excel contruction one was gone, and the Muppet Babies and Princess and the Frog one were shortened. Was anything else missing? It felt like it but I couldn't tell.
Maybe we can squeeze in if there's a panel cancellation or something... oh well.
You're right about the Azumnaga one... I think it's the clips that surround it that kind of affected it for me. Toys R Us I just HATE those singing kids... it's not even the clip itself, it's those damn singing kids who can't sing worth shit that have grated on me since the commercial came into existence. I'd say my original statement works for it, switch it and Winter Wonderland (should have been calling it this from the onset actually -_-) since it's higher energy like you said.
I didn't notice the black at the end of Star Trekkin' until you mentioned it, but yeah, worth editing out.
Excel missing... I'm sorry to say I didn't miss it. Overall everything felt very swift and strong until the final few clips throughout the entire production for me.
One last thing I forgot, the 'fluffy' audio in the final one is low as well. So I guess the only one that has the new fluffy audio is the dog girl one? We gotsta fix that.
And also, that 'audience deaf' one, I noticed on a rewatch that the loud burst noise feels a biiiit delayed from the hit of the wand. I forget if that's part of the original movie or not, but it felt like it left me hangin' for a split second. Think we should tighten that up a bit?
...and oh my god, I just saw your new production tag...