Ok....I added that other kissing scene because original one wasn't long enough and there was a blank space before it.MystykAMV wrote:pan: I think you actually changed the things you shouldn't have, and left the places that should have been changed like that :/ the ending is better thoughat the beginning there are some frames that shouldn't be there (when it shows Alto at around 0:01) I think until 0:07 it's slow, and then comes the kissing scene, where you put another scene, but it was good in itself, because the beat was good. After that point it's too slow again. at 0:10 there is a gap, or black transition I doN't know, but I think you should do something with that.
I'm not sure how to speed it up.....I guess I'll have to keep at it. It took me a long time to get back to it because I'm really stuck on what to do.