JadeCharm wrote:I want to have the 7-21 To End Track and I already started editing
alright. I'll take your name off of the other one then.
MystykAMV wrote:can you upload the bonus track again, please?
Sure. No problem. I'll have it up momentarily.
EDIT: Bonus Track Has Been Re-uploaded.
I must remind you all that the bonus track is a track in and of itself which is to INCLUDE the credits. I will allow special shortening of the track for time constraints by the person editing it, as long as they know how to make a smooth audio transition. I do not care how short you make it, as long as the credits wind up looking pretty. You know, because everyone looks forward to seeing how much effort the people behind the MEP put into the credits. Keep in mind that this track can play before or after the MEP, but I originally tailored it to come after the MEP, as in, after the MEP has faded to black, then this track starts. As, it does not transition well into the first song of the MEP, if you want it to be before the MEP starts, then you will have to either fade it out as it ends or somehow manage to magically fit it into the beginning.
In a nutshell, whoever takes the credits track, must be real good with making credits and editing audio. Should they decide to shorten the audio, I must hear the revised version before editing is to begin on it. Preferably someone with AE experience or really wicked awesome photoshop skill to make what I like to call: "Epic Credits"