Hagaren Viper wrote:Radical_Yue wrote:
The "pro" needs to be dropped from AMVTV and just turned into a fun/dance category and the "fun" needs to be dropped from ova. It creates a lot of confusion about where to submit to and just as previously stated, very few, if any of the videos in pro area actually pro

I can get behind this because I think AX *really* needs and upbeat/fun category. With Pro and OVA categories together, it almost seems like we have two 'Misc.' categories [Though I know the focus of both is quite different]. Also, I've been a little confused on the Fun/OVA category...when it was announced, it seemed like it was strictly for parodies and such, like Lawl & Order – Legal Tender and Phoenix Wright, Anime Attorney, but Mashupgatari and Make It Rock certainty aren't parodies [Heck, they were 'upbeat']. I'm sure since this was the categories test run things will be ironed out in the future, but I wanted to point this out nonetheless.
Hence why the "fun" needs to be dropped from the category name

Hell, maybe a different title altogether? The only reason half of the category fit (such as Lawl & Order, Phoenix Wright, etc...) and half didn't (Make It Rock, Mashugatari) was due to the fact the name is confusing. If I see something labeled "Fun" I think "Oh, this must be where the fun videos that aren't comedy go." It's not the editors to blame, just a poor choice in naming the category.
Hagaren Viper wrote:
Also, am I the only one who is a bit iffy about next year's R rating? Yes, I know that when it was announced that people were excited, and I know that it wouldn't be exclusively R-Rated entries, but the few people I spoke to about it were pretty skeptical, with a couple a bit unsure if they wanted to attend the contest next year [I know you cant please everyone, but not everyone appreciates pushing the PG-13 rating to the limit]. It seems like it would be better to have a R-Rated category/Contest on top of what we have, not a Rated R contest and a 'Kid Contest'. Again, I know it's a bit early to be baawing, but still wanted to give my two cents.
Then again, I guess I wouldn't have to worry about using Baccano.
I honestly don't think that changing the contest from PG-13 to R isn't going to make that much of a difference in what is submitted. I mean
this is an anime that is nothing but blood, guts and lotsa nudity and it got into a contest that was strictly PG-13.
The only downside is that you'll be cutting out some attendants. I took my younger brother to AX as his 16th birthday present. His friend is 15 and will be 16 next year. Both boys have no problem with R rated material but they won't be able to attend the contest next year. Hell, I started going to AMV competitions when I was 17. It just sucks for the people that will be unable to attend due to the rating :/
Kazemon15 wrote:
I mean, I actually wanna stop going to the AMV 101 panel because it says the same stuff every year, no offense to those who host it. But I needed to pick up my tickets, so I had to stick around. I wouldn't mind if there was a continuation to the AMV 101 panels. Like one year, basic editing, the next year, more advanced editing, ect. I mean, some people might be lost, but the majority of those who go to these panels go every year anyway.
Kisanzi and I are actually in talks about doing an Advanced Editing panel next year. If we get the slot, maybe we can swap back and forth each year pertaining to where/when the tickets are picked up?