I'm proud to announce and release my A-M-V.org app to the masses. It's been a good couple of months developing it and I hope those of you with Android devices will find it useful (those with iOS or Windows Mobile are shit out of luck at the moment unless someone wants to donate hardware/money for me to get devices to develop on

With this app you can search the database, watch videos, then rate them and give QCs! Be aware that if you have an older device you might have trouble watching the videos. If that's the case, try installing a 3rd party software based video player such as Rock Player.
That said, I want to recognize those who helped me:
Moonlight Soldier
These guys (and gal) came up with some great ideas and provided excellent feedback (and a little stress >:|). This app is, to a degree, as much their creation as it is mine. Also thanks to Brad for making the Icon and the assets I used for the buttons and such. Also:
That's gotta count for somethingPhade wrote:it has the Phade seal of approval.

At the time of this post it hasn't shown up via searching the marketplace yet but you can click the image above to be sent directly to the app's page to install. I'm open to all suggestions and comments for future updates and features so feel free to use the marketplace, e-mail, irc, or PM to let me know what you think. Above all, enjoy the app and don't be shy to show it off at cons