Video: All's Fair in Lamp and War
Category: Kooky, crazy, fun, happy, go
Source: Original Footage
Song: Vanity
Artist: Lady Gaga
Creator: Mr. Pilkington
New and improved lamprey Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/TheLampreyConnection
I decided to go crazy for Masters and film my own music video. I wrote a short treatment, storyboard, and original plot much like a real Lady Gaga video would. I then found someone with a Cannon EOS 5D that was willing to work for slices of pizza and bragging rights. Thanks to Jingoro for his epic Orange Apron Award for runner up in masters, and thanks also to Ileia, Todd, Chris, Roz and Quu for encouraging me to not be lazy and actually getting this online. Big thanks to Chaosprojects, ToothpicVic, Fuufy, Stephi, and Rory for their epic hand modeling, with big big thanks to Addy for laying in my crotch in the most awkward positions for well over and hour to get the perfect hand motions from the puppet. Even BIGGER (if not biggest of all) thanks to my wife who not only provided talent, also help make many of the costumes, served as my wardrobe manager AND tolerated all my insanity throughout the shoot. Without her I probably would have spent the entire shoot running around with my hair on fire. All of the 3D elements were made by myself with the exception of the padded room background, that I did steal. By and large this version is incomplete. The song is cut almost in half and sadly a good bit of the filming never got completed on time. I look at this version more like a proof of concept, and in November we go about re-filming from scratch with greater emphasis on story. For now enjoy and stay tuned.