I actually really like your beta.
I only have 2 nitpicks however.
The scene at 0:15 the rapid succession of scenes. I think it goes by a little too fast. There are 3 Betas followed by a symble. Perhaps there should be 3 scenes for the 3 initial beats that fade to black at the end of each clip. And for the 4th beat which is a symble, how about a flash? A very short one. not a long one. I think that would look pretty good.
Even if you don't approve I think you should try it and see how it looks. Because as it stands, those clips go by way too fast and aren't timed well to the beats at all. And even if the end result doesn't look good, at least you can say you tried it. I would like to see it if you decide to try.
My second beef:
"And Now, Ladies And Gentleman!"
.......................................WTF!! No Lip Synch?! It would look so much better than a guy with a crazy eye looking at the ceiling >.>
That's my only 2 beefs.
Other than that. Awesome shiz