CodeZTM wrote:Finally 100%'ed SR3, and now I'm back on FFX-2, soon to be on FFXIII-2. Bleh. I'm not actually looking forward to it, because I liked the way they wrapped up the story, and I don't want their grubby hands screwing with my characters. BUT it's effing canon, so what can I do. >_<
I loved 13 up to the ending and then I was like WTF. So I'm very excited to play 13-2.
Though apparently Amazon is teasing me. I ordered it in August last year, it hasn't shipped out yet. I ordered a copy on Feb 1 for my brother for his bday, the day before it was released here, and he got it Feb. 3. T-T
I want my copy ;_;
(I'm playing LEGO Harry Potter 5-7 and watching Bones in the meantime...)