"no such function named telecide" ??

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"no such function named telecide" ??

Post by Rider4Z » Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:55 pm

Could be something minor but i don't know what it is. Ever since i installed the updated AMVapp, VirtualDub does not want to deinterlace anything for me. it'll load

Code: Select all

but not

Code: Select all

they've always worked fine in the past for me. any and all ideas are appreciated (AND WANTED). :(

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Re: "no such function named telecide" ??

Post by EvaFan » Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:02 pm

When you uninstalled the older version, did you keep the plugins folder? If not you will have to reobtain the decomb plugin you were using beforehand.

I'm not exactly sure what in all comes with the amvapp cause last I used it was many years ago but I'm going to take a guess that it doesn't provide the decomb plugin anymore or at all, instead probably TIVTC meaning you would use TFM instead of telecide. Try taking out the Telecide line, if Tdecimate works still then you have TIVTC/TFM plugin loading but no decomb plugin which is what you were used to using on the old org app hence why telecide isn't working.

You can confirm also by just checking your plugins folder and telling us what plugins are still there. Here's the old plugin you were using:
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Re: "no such function named telecide" ??

Post by mirkosp » Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:17 pm

Why would you use decomb instead of tivtc for automatic ivtc nowadays? I mean, as far as automatic ivtc goes, the latter is much better than the former.
Just update to

Code: Select all

Instead, pretty much. Of course, feel free to read up the TIVTC docu to improve the parameters to your needs, but the defaults are pretty decent.

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The Machine
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Re: "no such function named telecide" ??

Post by Rider4Z » Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:40 pm

thanks guys, i'll look into all that :up:

Mister Hatt
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Re: "no such function named telecide" ??

Post by Mister Hatt » Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:23 am

Telecide still has its uses for when you're doing manual metric-based IVTC (hi YATTA), but I wouldn't use it for auto-anything. If you're working with a modern MPEG-TS raw for some reason, there are other techniques which are dumb/manual and a lot faster than even TFM that might be worth looking into. I'd be curious to see someone write a metric converter for the doubleweave().pulldown() method though. My guess is it would be faster than YATTA if less accurate, but give you control over pp and other such things.


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