1st Place: Trailer - snapxynith - Fanservicables 2
2nd Place: Trailer - kireblue -
1st Place: Dramatic/Serious - RAWdangers -
2nd Place: Dramatic/Serious - Shin -
1st Place: Action - BecauseImBored1 -
2nd Place: Action - irriadin -
1st Place: Romance/Sentimental - EimiJ7 - Matchmaker
2nd Place: Romance/Sentimental - Nipahcha -
1st Place: Upbeat/Dance - Pacotacoshell -
2nd Place: Upbeat/Dance - Jump Cut Productions -
1st Place: Comedy - l33tmeatwad -
2nd Place: Comedy - Parodic Productions -
Vic's Pick - Eternal Voice Studios -
Best Overflow - Brakus Media -
New Iron Editor Champion - Shin
Best in Show - VivifxAMV - (Submitted under the name "When Fandoms Collide...")
Friday 10:00am - 1:00pm :: VIDEO 1 :: AMV Overflow
Friday 7:00pm - 9:30pm :: VIDEO 1 :: AMV Contest (This screening has 1 hour for seating from 6:00-7:00. There will be a room clear prior to seating. From 9:30-10:00 there is seating for Fan Parodies, but there is not a room clear.)
Saturday 9:00am - noon :: VIDEO 1 :: AMV Overflow part deux (we'll show EVERYTHING that wasn't shown at the first overflow, plus the troll videos again since we "only" have 5:40 worth of overflow content.)
Saturday 3:00pm - 5:30pm :: VIDEO 1 :: AMV Contest (This screening has 1 hour for seating from 2:00-3:00. There will be a room clear prior to seating. From 5:30-6:00 there is seating for Battle Royale and since they will be checking 18+ wristbands, this will also entail a room clear.)
Saturday 6:30pm - 9:30pm :: PANEL 1 :: Iron Editor/AMV Contest Award Ceremony
Sunday 9:00am - 11:30am :: VIDEO 1 :: AMV Contest Encore Presentation (As this is a no-voting screening, there will not be a room clear/seating block before or afterwards)
Overflow Info
"Overflow" is where we show all of the entries that were not outright disqualified, but also did not make the final cut. We intend to show everyone's video once, and we have enough time this year to do so (thanks Jim!). Right now the playlist is set up in alphabetical order by studio name, but BY ALL MEANS if you have an entry in Overflow, pay a visit to the man behind the curtain and we'll bump your video to the top of the playlist.
Iron Editor Info
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/forum/v ... 5&t=110016
L33t-Seat Badge Info
If you submitted a video to the contest and DID NOT get disqualified, then you and 2 friends are eligible for special supplementary badges. These badges are NOT replacements for paid Otakon membership badges. These badges allow you to sit in the really good reserved rows, and allow you to skip the line and walk right into the theater. We do ask that you show up AT LEAST 15 MINUTES BEFORE THE CONTEST STARTS or else we will give away any unclaimed "special" seats. They are only good for the Friday and Saturday AMV Contest screening as these are the only two AMV events that have a line (and they work for both days if you want to come twice!). If your video was categorized as a "troll" then that is still not disqualified, and you are still eligible for badges.
To pick up your badges, the creator themselves must visit room 312 in the BCC at one of thes scheduled times:
Friday 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Friday 9:30pm - 11:30pm
Saturday noon - 1:30pm
I will also try to have them on-hand during the overflow screenings.
AMV Contest Finalists
Asylum Studios - One Wish
BecauseImBored1 - Teenagerrrs!!
Brad DeMoss - Men
Cousin of Sparda - Seeing Red
diegao94 - Erien
Dragon/Roy - A Kiss Goodnight
Dragontamer5788 - Angelic Tribute
EimiJ7 - Matchmaker
Eternal Voice Studios - Starcraft
Galia & Kitty - In Terminis
irriadin - Put Ya Guns On!
JudgeHolden - Haters Gonna Hate
Jump Cut Productions - Shut Up and Ride
Kiarrens - King of Knights
kireblue - Another Destination
KushiiSmiles - Living Legends
l33tmeatwad - Mother's Day Special
Magicflier - Turning the Tables
milkmandan - Save the World
Nicole Parker - PonPon
Nipahcha - Come Home
One-Winged Angel Productions - Search & Destroy
Pacotacoshell - The Sunlit March
Parodic Productions - Squid Girl Is Metal
Pockying - Never Love Again
RAWdangers - The Ballad of a Dog
Rendakor - Ladyboy Chainsaw
Screaming Insomniac - Chosen
Shin - Magic Eye
snapxynith - Fanservicables 2
StarTrinity009 - Eden Me Baby
Tsunami Pictures - The Contractor
VivifxAMV - When Fandoms Collide
Warlike Swans - Tollkirsche
Whispers Reloaded - Spell Dwellers
xDreww - Caged
zibbazabba905 - kyubeystwood
Troll List
drewaconclusion - She Loves That Rock and Roll
DriftRoot - The Kingdom of L.F.S.
Random Destination Studios - Naruto Ball Z Shippuden - Heroes Come Back
RiderG - Bending Inferno
Two Frame Studios - Gurren Feeling
[key]Scarlet - Renegade (still running)
Achiita - Off the Edge
AimoAio - Tales
Alexmichur00 - Best of Friends
Ankar - Enemy Advantage!
Armed and Out of Medication Productions - Furinkan Stalker
Arschel Morell - Haruhi Suzumiya - The Streets of Philadelphia
AuN Studios - Can't Be Tamed
Axelstar - Dai-Gurren Basterds
BasharOfTheAges (Shin-Ei Gumi) - Madness Quota
Bebop0083 - Pray for a Sign
Brakus Media - Yer Guns, Put Them On
Brian Evans - ENKA.M.V.
Cemocan - The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die (Evangelion AMV)
CityLightSummerNights - Cheers to This
Cloudsofsand - Somebody I Used to Know
Comet Princess Productions - Everything Motoko's Not
Cory Lynn Sutton - Soul-Fusion [ Shaman King Amv ]
Counterinsurgency - The Bird and the Worm
Daitenism - A Beauty that Never Fades
Dan Seiter - Steins;Gate - Shot in the Dark
Daniel Carlin-Weber - Reaching My Threshold
Daramue - Say Goodbye to the Light
Dean Seirafi - I Want It That Way
DiscoVader Productions - A Long Road to the Redline
Distance - Rainfall
Dr. Phanthasy - Loved at Last
Dragonofblu - The End
Dreamscope Studios - Thoughts of Life
drewaconclusion - She Loves That Rock and Roll
eh-designs ( - Erik Heckert - ) - Lelouch Holmes - The Zero Requiem
Eternal Voice Studios - How Harima (Somehow) Stole Christmas
Eyes of Tomorrow - Let It Go
GuntherAMVs - The New Avengers
Hikaru2322 - Sayaka's Fall
Imagine - Tenshi Has Been Modified
imp4ever - The Girl with the Mystic Eyes
JanAnimE Productions - Rebirth of a Dream
Jiba Dojo - Pain Is Weakness Leaving the Body
Josh Lord - Bridge to the Sky
KT - The Nature of Homura
KyuuYuKi - Reunite Without Fail
LiloScaries - Alive Tonight
LucarioRose24 - Louder Than Ever
Luminaire - Starships Were Meant to Pierce the Heavens
Lussuriioso - The Good Guys!
Mike Hudak - Too Strong to Lose
Miracle Falcon - My Own Personal AMV Hell
moonbunnychan - To Be Human
Mr. Fergus - Grave of Little Talks
MycathatesyouAMV - DeezNutz
nihilant01 - Domine
PinkHearter13 - A Girl Like You
Project Air - Premonition
RADX888 - Guilty Dreams
ReggieSmalls - Put It On
Reversed Studios (Chiikaboom) - Strut
robodevil - Lightning Strikes
Roien Productions - High School of the Dead, This Is My Love
Ryan L Hess - Love Daikon
SatoshiSakura - Wish
SeyonoReyone - Blame It on the Anime
Shonen Jidai - Girl Meets Alchemy
Slaughterism - Whatever It Takes
SoSori - Only Seventeen
Spadio Studio - That Same Small Town
SSGWNBTD - A Cast of Hawks
Studio Hybrid - Under the Radar
SuperJujuAwesome - Forget Daioh
Syliyn - Bro Eater
Symphonia252 - Going Insane
Tahno's Private Lessons - Who We Are
Terri Leigh - Afterlife
Truffle Pig Studios - Riot!!
Tsukiryu - Darkrai's Crumbling World
Under The Box Productions (Davis 51) - Batou: A User's Manual
Under The Box Productions (Krigen) - Lost Samurai
wildfireforums.com - Just in Time
WizardOfCeles - Perfect Submarine
yuki916 - Lock On Gundam
Yuna101 - Yuna's Breath of Life
Zaiyei - Little Perfection
Zandersen - The Flower We Saw Round Here
Zanzaben - Gaston
Zatanna - The Good Life
Disqualified List
DMRA - American Psycho
Magical*Studios - Demon's Fate
Patoo64 - Blah Blah Blah
Yazzy Bear - Too Close
Prescreening Info
Calling all people who have nothing better to do on a Saturday!
If you can drag yourself to Philadelphia PA by 11AM 6/23/2012, you get to help pick the finalists for the AMV contest!
Yes, you will have to watch every video, you don't just get to pop in, upvote your own entry, and leave. This is real work. If you're interested, PM "dji", 'cuz it's his house.
Due to powers beyond my control (Mike Lee making decisions without consulting people who use the video rooms) the AMV contest will be screened in WIDESCREEN this year. This means that despite what we've been doing for the past 20 years, if at all possible, you should NOT letterbox your footage ahead of time. Any AMVs that we receive pre-letterboxed, will be scaled up slightly so that the video doesn't have black bars on all 4 sides. I have NO problem doing this for you, so please, if your source footage has been pre-letterboxed, by all means, send what you have! If your source is natively 16x9, then send that. If your source is 4x3, we will play it in the center of the screen, no DragonBox style cropping will be performed on 4:3 videos.
If you're still confused, consult this image:
Note that the dark grey area represents the screen that the video will be projected on.
I will be updating the official and unofficial rules ASAP.
New News that Will Soon Be Old
'sup folks. I'm back for more fun, more abuse, and more fun abuse!
The official rules are posted here:
We are accepting entries at this time. Entries that were submitted prior to the rules being officially posted, will be looked at shortly.
The major changes this year are:
1) I added a new rule prohibiting the use of your song/trailer's original music video/trailer footage, in your own AMV. It's subject to interpretation, but it'd generally be a good idea to avoid using the original music video as source footage in your own. It can very easily lead to us getting "teh sued". If you HAVE to use portions of the original music video, you can PROBABLY get around this limitation by applying a heavy video filter or two to the footage so that it is different enough from the original, though this is still open to Ota-lawyer's interpretation.
2) We ARE aware that Anime Next takes place on our deadline weekend, so videos that win their first major award at Anime Next, are exempt from the anti-trolling rule, as prohibiting those entries would go against the spirit of the rule.
Administratively, the AMV Contest is now it's own department that reports directly to programming, so that's less red tape for us, and we have yet another
I'll answer questions and things in this thread, and this first post will level-up over time to include updates about AMV-Contest-like-events going on at Otakon 2012.