Which Video Editing Software Is The Best

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Which Video Editing Software Is The Best

Post by MetamorphosisStudios » Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:59 pm

Mister Hatt wrote:Flame Premium 2012 and Smoke, AutoDesk bitches. Avisynth on the side for when lazy or crazy is required.
I prefer Avid media composer it's way more faster

Mister Hatt
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Re: Which Video Editing Software Is The Best

Post by Mister Hatt » Thu May 17, 2012 11:20 pm

MetamorphosisStudios wrote:
Mister Hatt wrote:Flame Premium 2012 and Smoke, AutoDesk bitches. Avisynth on the side for when lazy or crazy is required.
I prefer Avid media composer it's way more faster
Faster than Flame or Smoke? Because a 16 core Xeon runs Flame pretty damn fast.

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Re: Which Video Editing Software Is The Best

Post by PinkHairedCoder » Fri May 18, 2012 8:34 pm

The three I use are PremiereProxAferEffects, Cyberlink Power Director, and Sony Vegas. However they have all their faults and weaknesses that I've found...

PremiereProxAE = God of effects, and customization. However it can't edit .mkv and has a high learning curve and requires much patience.
Cyberlinke PowerDirector = This has some pretty good effects, and oddly it lets you edit .mkv without needing to convert it first. However as I've noticed it doesn't have a trimmer. Any clips you cut on the timeline won't be stored in the Library and you have to go through the trouble again. Also it has a limit to how many clips you can have.
Sony Vegas = Easy learning curve, some good effects, trimmer, but doesn't handle .mkv.


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