Little Things You Hate

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by ngsilver » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:32 pm

When said hospital trip costs a day of work and productivity, leaving me having to work on a Saturday when I should be playing Tales of Graces f rather then crunching numbers based off of asterix log files....

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Radical_Yue » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:43 pm

When your workplace smells like delicious food but the cafeteria is closed so all you brought was a crappy tv dinner ;___;


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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Kairih » Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:13 pm

I hate broccoli ù.ù

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by aesling » Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:16 pm

Getting sick when you have a lot of stuff you need to get done.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Dr. Derpface, J.D. » Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:48 pm

When a member of a "professional" company acts like a matter is of serious importance and you HAVE to do what they say (or else, lol).... yet not only are their documents worse than what a schoolkid would prepare, they just initial them instead...and upon closer inspection even THAT is a part of the printout. Sorry, but if you want to be taken seriously, you can at LEAST take the second and a half to run a pen over the paper yourself instead of have someone just copy/paste...

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<Stirspeare> Fire_Starter: Electoral college etc.

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by TEKnician » Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:28 am

Waiting DAYS longer than that estimated "Delivers in X days on April X" for something you ordered.

Did someone forget to carry the 1 when calculating? Or are you guys just :bear:
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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Haar119 » Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:42 am

1. "Baseless accusations in ultimately futile internet arguments"

2. "Cool story, bro." sort of annoys me. Feels like if I'm ever discussing something on the internet, people will just hand-wave any of my points through the use that phrase, along with "tl;dr."

3. That moment when you're on 4chan or some other imageboard and you realize that your debate opponent is just saying "nope" whenever you supply a valid point, yet you can't stop responding.

I could probably just combine those 3 into "debating with rabble," but I digress.
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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Otohiko » Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:53 pm

When I can't find my fork, whatever the reason. Because I am ridiculously picky about fork size and shape, I only have one fork that I will use. When said fork somehow disappears (or, god forbid, someone actually takes it or misplaces it), I raaaaaaaaaaaaage.

Also, when my people take, move or use my stuff without permission in general. I'm not a very possessive person, but I'm very much used to my order of things/routines and get really pissed (or more like... confused/upset) when something is not where I'm used to it being, or is not in the condition I'm used to it being. Example: my bathroom scale, which I totally don't mind people borrowing, being left wet and set to pounds rather than kilograms = raaaaaaaaaaaaage. I'd share absolutely anything with people, even my fork, as long as they actually ask or leave it where and as it was when they found it. Otherwise, not cool at all.

Also, I guess more generally, I really dislike when I'm in a particular groove and people try to get me out of it for whatever reason. It's very easy to break my groove, especially when it comes to work or to creative pursuits, and as much as I love having people around, it tends to upset me if people actively do stuff that breaks me out of that groove. All the worse since I have trouble wilfully ignoring people and will respond even if it breaks my groove. Example: people trying to have conversations with me when I'm reading. I end up both forgetting everything I read, having a really awkward conversation, and not wanting to either read or attempt conversations for the rest of the day.
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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by irriadin » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:15 pm

Otohiko wrote:Example: people trying to have conversations with me when I'm reading. I end up both forgetting everything I read, having a really awkward conversation, and not wanting to either read or attempt conversations for the rest of the day.
I HATE it when people do this to me too. God damnit, I don't want to listen to you talk! Shut up and let me read my book!

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Re: Little things you hate?

Post by Ileia » Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:26 pm

irriadin wrote:
Otohiko wrote:Example: people trying to have conversations with me when I'm reading. I end up both forgetting everything I read, having a really awkward conversation, and not wanting to either read or attempt conversations for the rest of the day.
I HATE it when people do this to me too. God damnit, I don't want to listen to you talk! Shut up and let me read my book!
EVERY DAY in the break room:

Coworker: What are you reading?
Me: Star Wars
Coworker: Oh, cool, which one?
Me: *specific book name*
Coworker: Oh, is that the one with *random character* ?
Me: No.
Coworker: Have you seen the movies?
Me: Yes.
Coworker: bla bla bla prequels bla bla
Me: *nod*
Coworker: Do you ever read anything else?
Me: Yes.
Coworker: I only ever see you reading Star Wars books, you must like them a lot!
Me: Yes.

and so on.

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