Centurione wrote:I liked it!
Pretty awesome. The only thing I didn't like is this effect (the one like in 0:08) but generally it was cool!
Good luck, my rival (that sounds weird

Thank you so so much, I'm glad you liked it!

And yeah, good luck, rival

(ahahah, it does sound weird xD)
AimoAio wrote:Hey that was pretty nice!

But the flow and the pacing was kinda all over the place. I like your effects for the most part especially the filmstrip-like effect because it went well with the sync but those slide blurs/twitching blurs are just awful. >__< They felt awkward and unnatural in the video since it ruined the flow more than enhanced it. It also got really repetitive after a while. The first section of each anime was done pretty well though, the section in the er...at least I think that's the verse section?

But I can't tell because this song sounds the same to me everywhere so I'm judging it based on the pacing. xD Not bad for a quick video!

May, I'd like to thank you for the tips and the great advices you gave me here :3 They will surely be helpful in the future! So thank you so so much ^^ You already know I'm a fan of your videos and your tips are always welcome!
Emong wrote:Skrillex
That was surprisingly cool. I've yet to see a dubstep (Bangarang might not be the dubsteppiest tune by Skrillex but screw that) amv that I would actually like but this had some fun aspects. I don't think the wobbles were synced very well but on the other hand I haven't ever seen them synced well. I liked the pacing though, especially when you went crazy with Madoka

Thank you so much *_* I love your videos and it's nice to get a comment like this from you!

*feels happy right now*
TwilightChrono wrote:Impressive.
I wanted to edit to this song since this was one of the songs I sent in but oh well.
Great job. At times though I felt I couldn't see what was going on past explosions and the fast transitions.
Solid work though.
Woah, I don't know what to say xP Thank you, I'm so glad you liked my video! ^^ I really liked yours and it's nice to see how much you like mine

So thank you and good luck!
xDreww wrote:
I was going to say the same thing, but may said it a lot more detailed then I would have. Liked the film strip effect, did not care much for all the twitch and blurs, and effects felt repetitive. It was a pretty neat edit though, just a bit all over the place. I did like the outro text you did.
Thank you so much Dreww!

As for May and Emong, you're one of my inspiration, so it's nice to get a criticism from you! I will surely work on the repetitive thing!
Thank you guys ^^