Arigatomina wrote:Ileia wrote:Even just in this thread, you're so not in the minority, I'm not sure where you're getting that idea, aside from my one post. :p
The org as a whole gives that impression.
Yeah, I suppose I can agree with that to a certain degree, but I don't think the Org is really all
that devoid of "actual anime fans". I think it's similar to what Bashar said, we have both extremes and everything in-between, there is no wrong way
to eat a Reese's to enjoy this hobby.* I actually get way more comments here about the anime I used than any other aspect of my videos ("Sweet, I love *blank*!" and "Holy crap, I need to watch this anime now!"). I get PMs asking my opinion on anime I've used in AMVs, and I get asked for recommendations on a fairly regular basis. Those fans are still out there, perhaps they're quiet, but they're not completely silent. The amount of comments has actually always made
me feel like a minority for not being really into about the anime aspect of the AMV-editing. And, really, I think the Org being quiet is due to many other factors, but that's for another thread.
*To clarify, I do enjoy some anime, there are some that I even love and make videos with from time to time, I'm not all "booo anime sucks" I just wouldn't call myself an anime fan.