See, I've noticed here on, we get a lot of comments like this:
Those subtitles/watermarks were an artistic choice.
I don't care what you say because youtube liked it.
Ripping footage is hard, these fansubs will do just fine.
etc... etc...
...and I have my own views of this; or at least a pretty good idea.
I mean, I can certainly identify what I hate and what I don't hate.
And I'm certain we can all do this.
But I've never truly tried defining a Bad AMV in clear concise terms.
However, in order to provide a reasonable answer, I'm going to have to reword the question a bit:
Do you think there are any Universal Truth(s) to what makes a Bad AMV?
If so, what are they? Supporting AMV Examples may help waste everyone's time, but are not necessary.
I think I have an answer.
But it might help if I showed my bias.
So you know how I arrived at my assumptions.
Let's break it down...
Old Anime >> Like, really old. Like "is that 480p?" old.
Bad Music >> Anything not popular.
No AMV Concept >> You don't wanna tell a story or have a theme, that's too much work. Just throw the fight scenes on the timeline and you're set.
Sources 'Don't Fit' >> (not that this is completely subjective or anything)
AMV Flow >> Fast parts go slow! Slow parts go slower!
Bad Editing >> Again, completely subjective, but hey at least I can rebuttal with "I have my opinion, and it's an opinion not a fact so you have to respect my opinion" (that your video is bad)
Predictability // Unpredictability >> Sometimes you're lazy and you only use one episode for your AMV but then BAM, SURPRISE you run out of footage and have to use another episode.
(...and I'm sure I'm missing some stuff too, but that seems like enough information to encode my file...)
(...also note: I'm too lazy to come up with any examples, but I'm sure you can see these as you go to a local or Florida anime convention and watch their AMV contest...)
However, the hierarchy is non-linear. By this, I mean it's all made up. Or that art cannot be defined. Or we're stupid for trying to. (please argue about whether amvs are art in the comments below, please like and favorite and subscribe and share on facebook)
So to get to the TRUTH of the matter, one has to look at the Truths that overlap the most.
(Now, in my estimation, I think this is evident in the last point:)
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Predictability // Unpredictability >> Easy to Follow // (because you were lazy in source selection)
So, Technically, I think that's the answer, but I don't think that just makes AMVs bad-- that makes anything bad.
For me, this makes a lot of sense, because, as with *any* form of entertainment: There is something common.
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"Catbus" (from "My Neighbor Totoro")
--- Dov Sherman
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... do you know?
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(from Dragonball Z)
--- Steven J. Simmons
... do *I* know...?
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""`---...________...---'"" Bugbyte
Maybe try examining some AMVs...
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Maybe try to: Examine my post.
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What is the answer...
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Quiet, Pinky; I'm pondering. | \\ l\\l_ // | Err ... right,
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...that ties all Bad AMVs and all Reality TV shows together?
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Because there has got to be something.
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Can you feel the tension, the build up, the pressure? (hhhhnnnnngggh)
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(Oh, I certainly hope you read the rest of what I said...)
That is what makes... A. Bad. AMV.
So, what do YOU think?
Do you think there are any Universal Truth(s) to what makes a Bad AMV?
If so, what are they? Please post in my thread.