San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Winners Posted

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Izotoppu » Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:29 am

Action Winner: EllipseIris - Eat Me Alive

Pfff... crappy transitions all over the place and it's only 2 minutes video.

Judge you must learn more.

What makes a video perfect ? = Raw + Sync. (not fx & if it's fx not that kind of shit for little kids)
Example here -

keep that in mind for the next year.

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Shin-AMV » Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:02 am

Izotoppu wrote:Action Winner: EllipseIris - Eat Me Alive

Pfff... crappy transitions all over the place and it's only 2 minutes video.

Judge you must learn more.

What makes a video perfect ? = Raw + Sync. (not fx & if it's fx not that kind of shit for little kids)
Example here -

keep that in mind for the next year.

Quit being a d-bag and at least put on a false smile and say congrats to the winners, its the sportsmanlike thing to do.

If you can't do that it means you have the personality of a gnat and the maturity of a spoiled 6 year old.

If you have legitimate issues with the way the contest is run PM the judges but don't disparage your fellow contestants out in the open like that and rain on their parade. If you want a contest like that you can always enter into Akross or Big Contest, but don't be surprised when they bite back.

Keep that in mind for next year.

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Rendakor » Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:27 am

Well said, Shin.

If you can't at least pretend to be happy for the winners, don't bother posting just to be an asshole.
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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Izotoppu » Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:53 am

Shin-AMV wrote:
Izotoppu wrote:Action Winner: EllipseIris - Eat Me Alive

Pfff... crappy transitions all over the place and it's only 2 minutes video.

Judge you must learn more.

What makes a video perfect ? = Raw + Sync. (not fx & if it's fx not that kind of shit for little kids)
Example here -

keep that in mind for the next year.

Quit being a d-bag and at least put on a false smile and say congrats to the winners, its the sportsmanlike thing to do.

If you can't do that it means you have the personality of a gnat and the maturity of a spoiled 6 year old.

If you have legitimate issues with the way the contest is run PM the judges but don't disparage your fellow contestants out in the open like that and rain on their parade. If you want a contest like that you can always enter into Akross or Big Contest, but don't be surprised when they bite back.

Keep that in mind for next year.
WOOT :)) If you say the reality you have 6 years old ? Lmao made my day. This is a topic right ? I can write here what I think and it's legal if I remember.
I'm not afraid of anyone (keep that in mind hah) And Akross is full of fx whores who don't know how to make a sync without them. You guys, If you cant naturally sync a scene to what you are listening to without having to synthetically force it with fx, then you might as well edit screensaver videos.

Actually I'm saying that the judges from "San Jiapan" don't know what pro editing is and that's why I said all this above.

No hard feelings ok ?

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by AceD » Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:05 am


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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Izotoppu » Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:50 am

AceD wrote:Quoted Image converted to link: ... cepalm.jpg
Stop sucking D =))

I was on topic (stupid ass people who come and post retarded shit like AceD will not reply anymore)
Be on topic and try to tell me that I'm not right with TRUE arguments if you want to write something or else you will get destroyed on yt if you have an account.
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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by kiarrens » Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:29 am

Izotoppu wrote: Be on topic and try to tell me that I'm not right with TRUE arguments if you want to write something or else you will get destroyed on yt if you have an account.
This is ridiculously immature.

Look. There are many ways to edit, and to sync. One is not any better than any other - it is all subjective. AMV creation is an art, and there isn't one "right" way to do anything. Who are you to tell people that their method isn't as good as any other? Beat sync, action sync, FX sync... they are all tools we use to achieve an artistic effect.
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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by Animated » Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:40 am

Damn, I have to go to work now. As soon as I get back I'd love to watch everyone's videos and comment (probably) against Izotoppu. Yeah, I'm already prejudiced against you, Izo, well done.

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by drewaconclusion » Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:47 am

Izotoppu wrote:Judge you must learn more.

What makes a video perfect ? = Raw + Sync. (not fx & if it's fx not that kind of shit for little kids)
Example here -

keep that in mind for the next year.
San Japan's traditionally been audience judged. If it still is, then way to go on having contempt for your audience.
Izotoppu wrote:or else you will get destroyed on yt if you have an account.
What the hell does that even mean? :roll:

Is that supposed to intimidate people? Threatening people's youtube accounts seems rather weak and childish.
Izotoppu wrote:(stupid ass people who come and post retarded shit like AceD will not reply anymore)
So if we keep making posts that you don't like, you'll stop replying? Honest and for true?
Izotoppu wrote:Be on topic and try to tell me that I'm not right with TRUE arguments
The "debate" is entirely subjective...

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Re: San Japan: Mach 5 AMV Contest -3x$50+$150- Finalists Pos

Post by ProjectBarcodeError » Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:00 am

sounds like someone's too willing to show his e-Doodelidy.

sync doesn't make a perfect amv, fx (well used), rythm, visal quality, originality, transitions and many others factors are involved to make a good one.

Now let's recall yours:
-seen and reseen Karas-style amv, nothing really original
-very long amv with nothing to tell, only random choices and scenes where the environnement keeps constantly to change abruptly and without purpose. It gets boring quick.
-the only scenes with flows are already included in the anime, which is not quite an effort, considering all the others statics scenes inside the video.
-as for the sync, you don't even follow it smoothly, you only pick it when you think it's fine. there was videos with a lot more sync than yours.there's nothing epic as someone which make cuts with unrelated scenes, sadly.

And you think seriously that you deserve the first place ?
Izotoppu wrote: Stop sucking D =))

I was on topic (stupid ass people who come and post retarded shit like AceD will not reply anymore)
Be on topic and try to tell me that I'm not right with TRUE arguments if you want to write something or else you will get destroyed on yt if you have an account.
[sarcasm]wow. that's probably one of the most mature post i have seen in my entire life [/sarcasm]

since your victory at Japan Play, you seem to be quite butthurt when you don't win elsewhere. the problem is that there's a whole lot of editors better than you. And making AMVs is supposed to be a passion, not a competition. if that's the way you see it and can't deal with the fact that other people are better, I suggest you stay in Romania and Youtube to satisfy your Ego. Or else, like Shin said, don't be surprised if others bite back.

Don't start a war you can't even win.


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