by ngsilver » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:15 am
Anyone who has previously used my system for any convention (Youmacon, ACEN, Ohayocon, Sugoi-con) your accounts are still active. If you do not remember your passwords simply follow the password reset option on the login page. Any issues getting logged in or signing up please contact me at any of the following addresses:
ngsilver [at] ngsilver [dot] com
awa [at] ngsilver [dot] com
support [at] ngsilver [dot] com
For those of you new to the system here is a brief description of the steps required to submit a video:
1. From the login page, select new user sign-up in order to create an account.
2. Create a username, password, and enter a valid email address as this address is what the system will use to contact you for account verification as well as FTP account info and all other communication.
3. Once submitted, the system will email you a verification code. Log into the system and provide the verification code. If correct, the system will verify your account. You will need to log in 1 more time and the system will let you in.
4. If you need to change your password or email address you can do so from the edit User Information menu. If you change your email you will have to go back through verification again, so make sure you spell your email correctly. If you do not get the verification email contact me at the emails above and I can authorize your account.
5. Before you can enter a video into a contest you have to update your creator information, this is your contact info. You will notice that you cannot see the option to enter a video in the menu and that Edit Creator Information has red !!! next to it. This means that the required info has not been submitted. Simply select this menu option, fill out the form (the red * means that field is required) and hit submit. If you cannot find your country or province, select USA and a generic province and contact me in order to add your country/province.
6. Once the required info has been submitted, you may need to refresh the menu. You can do so by clicking the Main Menu link, which should reload the system and allow you to submit a video.
7. At this time you can add a studio. Any user can be part of up to 3 studios, however videos are only allowed to be setup in 1 studio. From the Studios Menu you can see what studios are already in the system and add your own. The system will verify if your new studio is unique, if it is it will create it and you will then be able to select the new studio and bind it to your creator account in the edit creator information menu.
8. You are now ready to submit your videos. Select Enter New Video menu. Make sure to select AWA as the convention you are submitting to, other cons such as Youmacon currently are also using the system, each convention databases are NOT interchangeable and I cannot move data from one to the other. (Youmacon does not accept entries via web link, while AWA does)
9. Enter in all the information for your video into the form. Any incorrect or missing information will error the submission and you will need to fix your problems. As AWA will accept entries via web links (google drive, web hosting, ect.) you can enter your video's contest link in the other comments field. The Link field is meant for online distribution versions, such as youtube links, and we will not accept a web download from that field. (warning of this is on the submission page as well)
10. Once submitted, you will be presented with a confirmation page for your entry and you should also receive a confirmation email as well with the entry info. Keep in mind that if there are any errors in your entry information you will need to submit an alter entry request (located in the video status menu) in order to have an admin alter your entry data, so please make sure your information is correct before you hit submit.
11. Once you submit your videos you can then check the status of your entries, alter information, print mail-in forms, and request FTP access via the Video Status menu. On the page you will select the convention you want to check on (AWA for this purpose) and you will be provided with a list of all the videos you have submitted to the convention.
12. To request an FTP account, simply select the "REQ FTP" button for the entry you wish to submit via FTP (keep in mind accounts are video specific). The page will reload and you will now see the button change to "CLOSE FTP". The FTP system will create an account for you automatically, but it must be approved by a human first before you will be able to submit, so please wait for me to approve the account. Once approved you will receive an email with the FTP information and the information will then populate in the video status.
13. Submit your entry via FTP. Once done go to the entry status menu and select "CLOSE FTP" button for each account you wish to close. This will notify me that you are done submitting your entry, allow me to access the video, and close the FTP account. FTP account closures also require human authorization, so if you accidentally select the close account button but do not want to close the account simply select "REQ FTP" button that replaces it and your account will automatically re-open as it is already approved. (at least until I go in and disable the account)
14. Once you have completed submitting your entry you can return to the entry status page in order to check on your entries status. A brief description of what each status means is below:
un-viewed - entry form has not been acknowledge as being received by a human
entry form recieved - a human has acknowledged the form
video received - video has been received by staff, however has not been checked
video checked - video has been checked, will play as requested
video accepted - video is accepted for competing
Of course, if you have any questions or issues with this system please let me know. The quickest way to contact me will generally be via email at the addresses above. Happy submitting and good luck to everyone. Glad I could be of service in order to get the con we love so much up and running again.