tipsd9video wrote:Could he have a proxy to pick up his awards? I know some other AMV contests allow this, but I can't remember if ALA does.
From the rules:
UPDATE: To clarify the attendance rule. We WILL accept entries from non-attendees, however attendees will have first shot at the slots, and you must appear in person or by proxy to claim any prizes.
To clarify this even further, I don't want people submitting who have no intention of attending. If you are not attending you need to let me know ASAP, and pick a proxy. Banning may occur in cases where people have lied to or mislead me as to their attending status. Last year a contestant told me they would attend, then after con revealed they never planned on showing up and asked for their prizes to be mailed to them.
James Blond wrote:Wait, what? I submitted a video (despite the fact that I won't be able to attend) because you posted an update to the attendance rule:
If Mikal would be okay with this, I would certainly appreciate it! (And if you have a Paypal account, I can reimburse you for any packaging/shipping costs!) All of this is, of course, assuming I win anything to begin with.
The rule change still means you need to let me know. And that would be fine. I'm saying don't tell me your going to show up and then not show up. Thankfully this year there was no issue of attendees vs. non-attendees for slots. And Prize distribution is hard because your going to be rummaging around in a grab-bag of STUFF. Its awesome stuff, to be sure, but a proxy needs to then pick the thing you want. i.e. do you want the Disney-Pixar Brave Doll, or did you really want that Wooden Katana.
Bm-atticus wrote:Well, it looks like there were enough entries for comedy after all and my video wasn't needed. That's good because I was having second thoughts about it since it's been around for a while. Good luck everyone! And hopefully I'll have my new comedy vid ready in time for Conji!
I did not receive your video.
-Mikal Saltveit