Nah, but a new HOTAS is a thing
Yeah, I can x2 you on that from last week. Paychecks and a little bit of stability, even when your work is stressful (as mine has been for the last month), is never a bad thing.
I finally went to a grocery store today and was able to buy ANYTHING that I wanted instead of being scared of making it to the end of the month with enough to eat. And then go out and have $50 tea while out in NYC and feeling like a millionaire for a couple of hours. That was pretty good.
So yeah, kick back a bit. Do something for yourself
Personally, I already promised myself that the income from my 4-month contract here isn't gonna go to ANY serious purchases or even living improvements. I intend to keep my costs minimal, and use almost all of the extra money to travel, see people, go to concerts, treat myself to better food, and just generally enjoy myself a little more and, wherever possible, share with other people. Which IMO is even better than booze, women and drugs

The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…