by pacotacoshell » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:15 pm
Vid 2: I liked it! I didn't feel you hit the beats well enough on some parts and other parts were boring because you tried to stick to the plot a little too much (which wasn't exactly necessary), but you hit the mood on some parts really well.
Vid 3: Really damn short. It could have been miles better if you didn't use such sci-fi clips like BRS and that scene from the Haruhi TV series. Also would have been better if there was an angry person looking at a computer screen, or even a phone...Overall good concept, but execution was bad, making it look like a standard and boring action vid with no purpose when it could have been something more than that.
Vid 4: It was okay. You just threw in everything with feels from that movie into the vid and called it a day. The comments didn't really help since that was a summary of the film too :l The editing didn't make it stand out that much either.
Vid 5: I like this a lot. I can tell you actually took the time to go through clips here. The concept is great, the audio overlays were great, the mood was awesome and the sync was good too. There's really not much I can say about this one except for a lip flap I saw, but that's just nitpicking at this point. Definitely my favorite out of the 5 I've seen so far.
Vid 6: I thought it was going places, then you stopped at 1 minute. Jesus christ man. :l
Vid 7: The typography is just so bad. I'm sorry but that font is just something else. >____> I love the editing though. You could have done without the text entirely, it just detracts so much attention from the actual vid because it's all over the place. Overall great vid, but lose the text.
Vid 8: Why would you encode Munto footage at 720 when it was never released at that quality? Anyways the editing was alright, but it was just another action vid that didn't even try to make it seem like it was in 3013.
Vid 9: Props for using King of Thorn because I loved that manga to death! The editing could have been better, and the ending didn't feel like an ending.
Vid 10: Lots and lots of static clips. The sync made me a little sad too.
Vid 11: ....I don't really have words......yeah...
Vid 12: Pretty silly vid, though I didn't like the loop sync on the chorus. The verses were really well done though.
Vid 13: Not a revolutionary concept for this round, but the editing sold it. The ending was abrupt, but still the mood was great!