Cool track so farCodeZTM wrote:Track 10 Beta 1 : ... %201.mp4?m
Considering more effects during the opening bit, and perhaps some overlays.
I needs more, but I know you'll make it really awesome in the end.
Cool track so farCodeZTM wrote:Track 10 Beta 1 : ... %201.mp4?m
Considering more effects during the opening bit, and perhaps some overlays.
np, I was busy for a few days as wellTwilightChrono wrote:You know work has kept ya busy when you haven't checked the topic in 5 days.
I'll mark you guys down.
Cool track. I think it's pretty good. It looks like around 0:16 the pace should be a little faster. It feels like the scene where she is beginning to transform (Her face) is a little too long. Maybe mix it up a little more?EimiJ7 wrote:I have a beta for my track. Let me know what you all think: ... 9%20v2.mp4
Also @Code: I loved your track, especially the way you handled the tempo change. Just one thing, at about 0:37 the clip of the guys face after the music staff transition thing seems really short.
Awesome.Kazemon15 wrote:Have finals, but after, will be home free.... I promise! more school...will be bored...will edit. XD
Sure thing. I'll mark ya down.tonina1981 wrote:is this still available and open? if it is I would like part 7 with SAO and 14 with BRS