No argument there!BasharOfTheAges wrote:Equality is a great thing. It's something I agree with wholeheartedly.
What kind of causes do you mean? What "claims" are you referring to? I don't know if I believe the second sentence here; your feelings about "-isms" was made clear in other posts.BasharOfTheAges wrote:Causes are great too. They give you meaning and purpose, even when they're making claims of -isms to rouse support.
I suppose this happens a lot. Are you saying that it's happening in this thread? And if a cause "polarizes," does that make it a bad thing?BasharOfTheAges wrote:The problem, however, is that a fair number of people get wrapped up in causes to the point where they polarize.
For example, the US civil rights movement of the 1960s was certainly a polarizing movement. Do you think that leaders went about it all in the wrong way because they offended too many white people who supported segregation?
That might sound like an extreme example but if you're not referring to a cause like that, or one as relatively small and humble as what this thread is about -- essentially, getting people on the forum here and at other anime/AMV-related spaces to be more conscious of the sort of language they use -- then what kind of causes should people avoid getting "wrapped up" in?
Could you give an example of this that's applicable to the issue at hand here? Is Kionon saying this to us? If so, where?BasharOfTheAges wrote:You are either a crusader that must attack the problem or you are part of the problem - there is no middle ground.
When you say "these people," who do you mean? What "preferential treatment" do they want? I can tell that you've taken offense to something in this thread and you're trying to talk about it but this is very general and without any specifics, we can't talk about it much, let alone identify whether or not there's any merit to it.BasharOfTheAges wrote:These people don't want equality, they want preferential treatment and special deference for years/decades/centuries of mistreatment by others.
What isn't quality? "Preferential treatment"? Perhaps it isn't, but who's asking for something like that? Kionon? Girls on the Org? "Feminists"? "Radical" feminists?BasharOfTheAges wrote:That is not okay, because that is not equality.
Your first sentence is absolutely correct. That is how a lot of modern feminist groups are perceived.BasharOfTheAges wrote:Fairly or not, that's how a lot of modern feminist groups are perceived.
That is how they are understood by people who do not take the time to try to understand what they are about or what their goals are. A lot of modern feminist groups are perceived that way... by people who completely misunderstand them. One can perceive something without actually coming to a real understanding of it that approaches the truth. Perception is influenced as much by the "seer" as it is by the subject. But anyway...
In previous sentences you've made the accusation that certain unnamed groups are demanding preferential treatment. Here, you connect the dots to feminism. Is modern feminism guilty of demanding preferential treatment, or does it suffer from an image problem that makes people think that's what it's all about?
That might be important to understand and address, but I don't know which side of the line you're on. It's clear that you think that the phenomena of minority groups demanding special treatment is out of control and a big crisis in modern society. But then you focus on the problem of the "perception" the minority groups, which is a different matter altogether.BasharOfTheAges wrote:I think it's important to understand that and address it.
Who needs to "address it"? Feminists? Do they need to change all their goals/strategies/expectations just because certain people don't perceive them correctly? Is it more important for them to change than it is for the rest of society?
I just don't understand what the main idea of this post is and I feel like it's built on a set of assumptions that make a lot of people unnecessarily hostile towards a set of totally reasonable demands. I'd say "requests" instead of "demands" just to sound more friendly, but screw it, it's sort of silly that society has to have an argument about most of this stuff at all in 2013.
btw I'm not picking on you, I just think we should try harder to understand each other.