Favorite Video Game Destination

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Favorite Video Game Destination

Post by Jwalk0 » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:30 pm

Been playing them since I came out of the womb and I've seen many beautiful areas in a majority of them. Most of these levels which are my favorites are the final destinations in JRPG's since at that point many things happened to the characters you're playing as, the non-playable characters, and their universes both positively and negatively which helped shape and mold them to overcome many horrible situations and bring them together on one page to settle the score with a certain someone or certain people in order to save either their worlds, ideas, universes, souls, or all the above. Plus, the musics, graphics, and designs in most of these levels are epic to the max. In this thread, if there is a certain level in a video game that speaks out to you the most feel free to share and post a pic or pics of it if you want to. Try to avoid spoilers or keep it to a minimum. I'll go first:

Final Fantasy 9 - Memoria
This place is just...........wow. Copped this game for Christmas in 2000 and it was the first FF title I played and by the time I got to this point in the game it really felt like the finale. Everything that composed the creation of this level really changed the way I viewed video games from that point on due to everything that happened up to that point in the game, especially to Zidane and his crew. From the first area of Memoria to the last you are given that mysterious amazement feeling since each level changes entirely with their own atmospheres, sceneries (both eerie and beautiful), dream-like aspects, and histories. And each level presents many ethereal, otherworldly things including the creation of the universe, the heavens, the earth, the moons, the stars, the planets, the suns, and the galaxies. And the music was glorious.
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Re: Favorite Video Game Destination

Post by Mr. Fuzzyflippers » Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:12 am

Termina from Majora's Mask is one of my personal favorites.

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Re: Favorite Video Game Destination

Post by AngelDragoon » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:39 am

The Planetarium in the original Myst game.

Oh, what's that? You fell through a crack in space and time and landed on an island having no recollection as to how you got there? That, and you only have a flimsy note addressed to some guy's wife about how to potentially leave?

Better sit in a chair for two hours gazing at star maps with AMAZING MUSIC.

Seriously, I was, what, 4 or 5 when I played this game for the first time? And it kept my attention that long? Game development: doing it right.

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Re: Favorite Video Game Destination

Post by Kitsuner » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:08 pm

AngelDragoon wrote:The Planetarium in the original Myst game.

Oh, what's that? You fell through a crack in space and time and landed on an island having no recollection as to how you got there? That, and you only have a flimsy note addressed to some guy's wife about how to potentially leave?

Better sit in a chair for two hours gazing at star maps with AMAZING MUSIC.

Seriously, I was, what, 4 or 5 when I played this game for the first time? And it kept my attention that long? Game development: doing it right.
Holy crap, yes. I should see if I can get a playable copy of that game again.
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Re: Favorite Video Game Destination

Post by macchinainterna » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:29 am

There are so many to list XD

I'll just stick with what first comes to mind.

Pretty much every ancient ruin you could find in Final Fantasy Tactics' discovery races. The artwork was amazing for them and it ticked me off that I couldn't actually go to them after they were discovered. Bonus experience points were nice, but I wanted to actually go to these ruins XD

Also, Leá Monde from Vagrant Story. One of the most hauntingly beautiful dungeon crawls I've ever experienced in a PS1 game.

The Dead Sea from Chrono Cross. I loved exploring that place, seeing the futuristic city frozen in it's final moments.

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Re: Favorite Video Game Destination

Post by Otohiko » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:40 am

Statistically, it's Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, since I've made 152 virtual airline flights to and from there in the last 1.5 years.

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Re: Favorite Video Game Destination

Post by ZephyrStar » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:47 am

If you know what that is, you are amazing.

The Proving Grounds are also quite nice.

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Re: Favorite Video Game Destination

Post by McDirty » Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:10 pm

ZephyrStar wrote:E1M7
You can't beat the classics. :)

E2M6 is one of my favorites.

Changing gears, I have to say the first Half-Life is chalk full of amazing maps. Nearly every chapter in the game is something special. My personal favorites in the game are Lambda Core, Forget About Freeman, Questionable Ethics, Surface Tension, Blast Pit, Unforseen Consequences, Xen, and Nihilanthr. This game takes the cake in paying close attention to detail.

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