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Post by Zakainu » Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:06 pm

Video: Youtube - ON N' ON| MEGA - ON 'N ON DOWNLOAD| a-m-v.org link - ON N' ON
Duration: 1:12
Category: Action, Serious
Anime: Bakemonogatari
Song: On and On
Artist: Justice
Creator: Zakainu

Hey everyone! Sorry if I muck up the formatting or make any mistakes with my post, I'm new here. This is the first AMV I've made in along time, and the ones I made before (Like 9 months ago) weren't exactly spectacular, but hey, this is a slight improvement from them at least!
Sorry it's a bit short, but I'd love to hear any constructive criticism any of you might have!
Thanks in advance!
- Zak

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Re: ON N' ON

Post by lolligerjoj » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:13 pm

This video is really entertaining. There is something really fun about the track and how you handled the synchronization which made me watch this multiple times now without getting bored. Your effects help stressing the dynamic nature of the song. There are some really cool parts, like the scene at 0:34. These parts really show that you know how to enjoy the song. So, props to you for the music selection and synchronization.
However, your colour correction could really use some major improvement. Your blacks became some dark-red colour, and the whites became pink. You are not using the full spectrum of luminance, which is really noticeable on my screen. Some scenes were changed so aggressively that most detail was lost. I don't know if that was on purpose. Prominent examples are 0:13 - 0:15 and around 0:40.
Also, conceptually, I need to mention that I am a bit thrown off by the 2nd part in this video, where all the violence and action is introduced. It's really cool for the change of dynamics in the song, but I can't help but think that you could've done that a bit better by simply using the more strange and dynamic scenes that happen a lot in the conversations of the series. The way you've done it makes the video seem somehow random, as the 2 parts don't really fit together thematically or logically.
And finally: the video-quality is pretty bad. I hope that this doesn't result from poor footage-quality so you can maybe try to reencode this video to get rid of the maany artifacts in this video. You always need to think of the amv-community: They don't watch it on youtube, they download your stuff. And they don't like compression artifacts.
That was it from me, as I said, I really liked your video (congratulations!), but some technical flaws hurt the experience. I definitely want to see more from you in the future. An improved version of this video might also spice up my day by quite a bit :)
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Re: ON N' ON

Post by Zakainu » Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:32 pm

lolligerjoj wrote::up:
This video is really entertaining. There is something really fun about the track and how you handled the synchronization which made me watch this multiple times now without getting bored. Your effects help stressing the dynamic nature of the song. There are some really cool parts, like the scene at 0:34. Really enjoyed those. So, props to you for the music selection and synchronization.
However, your colour correction could really use some major improvement. Your blacks became some dark-red colour, and the whites became pink. You are not using the full spectrum of luminance, which is really noticeable on my screen. Some scenes were changed so aggressively that most detail was lost. I don't know if that was on purpose. Prominent examples are 0:13 and 0:15.
Also, conceptually, I need to mention that I am a bit thrown off by the 2nd part in this video, where all the violence and action is introduced. It's really cool for the change of dynamics in the song, but I can't help but think that you could've done that a bit better by simply using the more strange and dynamic scenes that happen a lot in the conversations of the series. The way you've done it make the video seem somehow random, as the 2 parts don't really fit together thematically or logically.
And finally: the video-quality is pretty bad. I hope that this doesn't result from poor footage-quality so you can maybe try to reencode this video to get rid of the maany artifacts in this video. You always need to think of the amv-community: They don't watch it on youtube, they download your stuff. And they don't like compression artifacts.
That was it from me, as I said, I really liked your video (congratulations!), but some technical flaws hurt the experience. I definitely want to see more from you in the future. An improved version of this video might also spice up my day by quite a bit :)
I'm not sure if I'm replying correctly, but I'll try anyway!
Wow, you have no idea how great it is to get such a lengthy comment, and from one of my inspirations no less! And I agree with pretty much everything you've said- The colour correction should have been done in After Effects, it usually comes out better when I do it there. The poor video quality is largely because I'm terrible at knowing how to render videos properly, and partly because the video quality wasn't super beforehand. I'll see what I can do about this in the future.
And when it comes to scene selection, I can see how it can be somewhat jarring having the sudden introduction of violence, and how I should have perhaps mixed it up with some of the more strange and dynamic scenes.. I'm not quite sure which ones I would use now, but I suppose I'll keep this in mind for future AMVs!
I'm seriously considering doing an final (final) version to fix all the wrongs in the video and spruce it up a bit.
Thank you so much for your comment!


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