The Vent Thread

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by Ileia » Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:59 pm

I'm so exhausted. One shift I get home around 2am...the next shift I need to be up at, tonight we close at midnight, so it may be another 1 or 2am. The back and forth is really taking it out of me.

What gets me, is I've been at this job for years. My supervisor had to leave for back surgery and is gonna be out for awhile. Word is she may not be back and that her job is up for grabs. I know her job and for the first week, I was moved into her hours and I took over her duties. Everything went great and I got a ton of stuff done. After that, for no discernable reason, they gave those hours to this woman who previously worked about 10 hours a week, leaving me to get the shitty closing shifts. So what's happening is, she doesn't know how to do things and is inexperienced and inefficient at the things that she does know how to it gets left to me. Every day, I've been doing 2-3 times the amount of work that I normally am able to do during a closing shift, and I'm still being treated like I'm not doing anything. My coworkers are all bewildered as to why she is being lined up to get the position that everyone assumed I was the logical candidate for. It's kind of a running joke that many of the employees already thought I was the supervisor anyway.

I think I just need to stop getting my hopes up. It's more of a fall when I end up feeling this defeated.
:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake:

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by pan_dbgt01 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:18 am

Ileia wrote:I'm so exhausted. One shift I get home around 2am...the next shift I need to be up at, tonight we close at midnight, so it may be another 1 or 2am. The back and forth is really taking it out of me.

What gets me, is I've been at this job for years. My supervisor had to leave for back surgery and is gonna be out for awhile. Word is she may not be back and that her job is up for grabs. I know her job and for the first week, I was moved into her hours and I took over her duties. Everything went great and I got a ton of stuff done. After that, for no discernable reason, they gave those hours to this woman who previously worked about 10 hours a week, leaving me to get the shitty closing shifts. So what's happening is, she doesn't know how to do things and is inexperienced and inefficient at the things that she does know how to it gets left to me. Every day, I've been doing 2-3 times the amount of work that I normally am able to do during a closing shift, and I'm still being treated like I'm not doing anything. My coworkers are all bewildered as to why she is being lined up to get the position that everyone assumed I was the logical candidate for. It's kind of a running joke that many of the employees already thought I was the supervisor anyway.

I think I just need to stop getting my hopes up. It's more of a fall when I end up feeling this defeated.
You need to wait. It's obviously clear that you did a better job so I'm sure you will end up with it. Think about what you can do?
I'm not sure, but isn't it illegal to work until 2am and then start another shift at 5am? In Canada you have to have 11 hours between shifts.

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by Dr. Derpface, J.D. » Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:14 pm

pan_dbgt01 wrote:I'm not sure, but isn't it illegal to work until 2am and then start another shift at 5am? In Canada you have to have 11 hours between shifts.
There's TECHNICALLY a law against it, but here in the States, retail constantly flouts all but the most constly to ignore laws. That means they will work you half to death, make your life miserable, then toss you to the curb when you fail to meet some impossible expectation/deadline, or you start making too much money.

<Fire_Starter> Stirspeare: college=failsauce?
<Stirspeare> Fire_Starter: Electoral college etc.

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:37 pm

that also depends on what state you live in on whether or not it's illegal.

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by dj_ultima_the_great » Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:47 pm

Copypasta'd from a journal elsewhere on the interwebs.
Spoiler :
Now for the serious shit. So, Mom's unemployment ran out, meaning I'm paying all of the bills, and I went ahead the other day and made a list of exactly what I'm paying out each month. Needless to say, it was disheartening. (Items are organized in order of necessity.)

Rent - 585
Electricity - 100
Loans - 67
Gas - 40
Phone - 15
Cable - 132
Groceries - 75
Lunch - 60
Retirement - 40
Misc - 50

In total, that's about $1100. I only bring home about $900 per month, meaning that I have to cut at least $200 somewhere if I want this to stop eating into my savings.

Working from the bottom up, Miscellaneous refers to anything from light bulbs to lotion to work pants to oil changes. It might be $50 some months, $0 others, $100 in yet another. I can't predict what the exact value will be, only moderate it as much as possible.

Retirement is an easy one. I only just set it up, and I'll be taking it down just as quickly. Easy forty extra dollars there.

Lunch at work is another easy one to strike from the list, and will actually add up to more, I think, because I estimated pretty conservatively. A light snack got me through yesterday without feeling sick - I just felt hungry, but not starved, when I got home - so I think that will do. Not like I can't afford to drop the calories.

I buy groceries once every other month or so, and spend about $150, so it's roughly $75 per month. I can cut that down to $50 per month just by avoiding meat. More canned goods, more pastas, more soups, and if all else fails, I can go the way of the college student and ramen noodle that shit up. Also, I'm going to be learning portion control here to stretch the number of servings I can get from one meal. More calorie-cutting, and again, not like it's something I can't stand to do anyway.

Cable... okay, this is the one that people won't understand, but it's non-negotiable. It's for my sanity. I'm going to see about getting a cheaper package, but I won't eliminate it. The television is for Mom, because if she has no TV to watch, she will try to get her entertainment from me instead, and I will fucking gut her by the end of one week. Internet is mostly for me, but she also has to use it for her job searches, so it does serve utility.

Other than that, gas for the car I can moderate by not making any extraneous trips, but I hardly do that anyway, and electricity we can moderate by going easy on the heat this winter. Mom has already been made very aware of this. Anything else has to be paid in full, no exceptions. If I save about as much money as I'm hoping I will, that should bring me right about down to the $900 limit, give or take twenty or so bucks depending upon the month. I'm definitely not making any money, that's for sure, but if I'm losing it, it will be a very slow drain - something I can maintain for an extended period of time if I have to. Of course, there is also holiday pay and quarterly bonuses to consider, and that will help the situation.

Whatever the case, everything else has to be struck from the list. No get-togethers, no restaurants, no personal splurges, and at this point, no conventions. Pain in the ass since I already bought my badge for ACen, but if Mom can't get a job sometime in the next few months, then it's an expense that I can't afford.

At least I still have games to play and movies/shows to watch if I get desperate for entertainment. God knows what little social life I did have just went out the window.

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by FarmXD » Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:45 am

Ugh. I don't know what to do, the school where my nephew is, is going
to kick him out because of his manners. It's his first year in school (5 years old)
and he's fghting with everyone x_x also his grades are awful. And it's just
his first year! Also, her mother, my not too much beloved sister is in debt
with the school and well, she actually has debts with everyone x__x
And she's alcoholic, great isn't? I just wish to earn more money here so I could
take him with me and try to give him a better education than she does (She's
so violent with him) but I can't....and the father is...somewhere in europe I guess.

GRRR! Ok now I feel better. Thanks Vent thread.

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by JaddziaDax » Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:07 pm

I know that feeling D:

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by FarmXD » Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:00 am

Yeah it's awful grr. I need more money.

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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by MycathatesyouAMV » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:06 am

Sometimes I feel like a dick for feeling like I cant trust anyone I'm friends with except maybe like two people.
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Re: The Vent Thread

Post by MycathatesyouAMV » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:08 am

Recently made a joke on facebook that at the time was just a normal joke and I didn't know some bad information I was going to receive later on that made the joke into something really mean. I think one person even removed me because of it and now I'm just worrying if it effected anyone else.
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