About the kiss I think I'll use Campione...never heard of it anyway :O
You really convinced me xD
Taite wrote:Another option for a sexy kiss is the High School of the Dead OVA. Campione! I think is definitely your best option if you want mega sexy and good animation, HSotD is the only other one I can think of with good enough animation, better than Campione! (bad animation ruins the sexiness imo.) No tongue action like there is everywhere in Campione! but I think it was definitely sexy.
Can't help much on the others since I don't know anime that well. For the Katana I would look through Samurai Champloo, Hakuouki, Bleach, or Tsubasa Chronicles, where katanas are plenty and therefore the chance of someone dropping/throwing their katana or being disarmed and having it fall into the water is more likely. The only thing I could pull up myself was this scene from Bleach (don't know the episode):
Quoted Image converted to link:
http://25.media.tumblr.com/50da4e55bfc2 ... o3_250.gif
Obviously not from the angle you want, and not into water, but it looks like it. Depending on your patience for finding scenes your best bet might be to just create your own scene.
Mmmh well it's a hard task, but I think I could do some mountage...
I don't know how to create 3D water anyway x'D I can't see the
picture because the link is blocked here...guess I'll check it at home.
Thanks everyone!! If you know more about the scenes I need,
I'll really appreciate it. About the kiss, naked girl and the sea storm,
I'm done...more about coins falling in the screen or katanas inside
the water, please let me know if you remember something!

I'll give you good sharks for breakfast