Too much credit. They usually come in with a chip on their shoulder, and unload on the first poor sob they see wearing a company logo. Because to them, customer service = a cog in the company wheel = subhuman = they feel they can treat said rep like shit.8bit_samurai wrote:I think it's mostly the case where they don't know who to be angry with or don't/can't get a hold of the person they're angry with so they take it out at the next person they could. I could be giving them too much credit though, since I don't technically work in customer service, I just work with pretty much the same customers over and over.aesling wrote:People who call customer service and bitch you out, then say "I don't mean to be angry with you, but..." Yes you do. Fuckers.
Fuck those people.
I firmly believe that everyone's first job should be a MINIMUM of one year in retail, customer service, or fast-food. I don't care of your daddy is a company CEO who can get you a cushy job as a department-head straight out of school. You don't get that job until you put in your time in the trenches and learn some fucking respect for those who are already fucked over by the job, and don't need your shit on top of it.
Or maybe I'm just a bitter, former retail wage-slave.