Castor Troy wrote:Dvl-Jigen wrote:Just a thought, but I'd kind of like to see a rule that states that entries can't have won or placed into the finals of a contest within the last 6 to 9 months, this way it gives under-rated and less well known editors a better chance. I'm sure there's likely some flaws in this idea, but as I'm not a judge, I don't really see any at the moment.
This is as ludicrous as not letting any movie play in theaters if it won an academy award in the same time frame.
Last year's winner was from an unknown editor's *first* video and he beat out veterans who've been doing it for years.
To be honest (no offense bud) that's not the most viable example to compare with since movies are commercialized on a whole different level of criteria. Last year's winner for AX wasn't much less a AMV in terms of categorization despite it's sources and is much more of something for show/entertainment due to it's concept. Kudos to the editor for making such a vid though. However, you have editors here who want to demonstrate their creative talent and love for AMVs by sending what they made to conventions. If someone makes an awesome AMV, then great! Have them show it around to a few cons if you'd like and reap the rewards for their hard work.
But there comes a limit when you start tossing shit all over the place because you know that you'll be winning prizes and editor karma. It's a contest yes but again it is a
contest. I believe competition should be fair game and if your intention is to submit multiple times then what's the point? Your editing for all the wrong reasons and it ruins the hobby. If anything, these type of rules emphasize to editors that they need to churn out more AMVs if they want to submit to more cons and I don't see anything wrong with that.