Here's what happened:Donaithnen wrote:And on a not very related note, what was the margin of error for considering something a tie? My back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate there were probably 1000-5000 people in the room. So is a "tie" within 5 or 10 or 50 votes? (I'd love to know the exact difference in votes between "Piece of Toast" and "Animu Stew", but expect we don't get to know that detail =)
Best of Show is determined by three factors:
1) Judges' top choice
2) AMV Creators' Best of Show choice
3) Audience Choice
Best two out of three. If there is no consensus, the audiences' choice is the prevailing choice. However, there was something I hadn't foreseen:
Judges' choice was Piece of Toast. Creators' top choice was a tie between Anime 101 and Piece of Toast. (Creators' choice runner-up was tied too, and each only 3one vote away from being a four way tie for top choice). (Edit: Audience Choice was Animu Stew)
I pondered for hours over what to do, because it all depends on what percentage of weight we give to each portion of the vote, which I never definitively established. Since Piece of Toast was a tie decision with the creators, do I give it half their vote percentage? Also, what's the percentage breakdown? Should it be 25/25/50, or 33/33/34?
More hours of agonizing later, I finally looked at who made each vid and saw that it was by the same person. So I decided it was safe to declare it a tie, and it will probably be the only time I will ever do so.
I hope to change the awarding criteria next year, because this isn't the first time the Creators' Choice vote bit me in the ass.
It had already been submitted to AX2013.And just to drift even more off topic, do we ever get to see a list of all the submissions? I was really hoping "Ishvalan Eviction Notice" was going to show up this year *cough*Best Comedy & Best in Show*cough* since it supposedly wasn't "done" in time for the last one. I'm curious to know if it wasn't submitted or if it was disqualified or if it just wasn't judged properly