The annual pre-AWA editor feeding frenzy!! Come stuff your face with friends, new acquaintances and maybe even some that you simply tolerate for a weekend at a time but really aren't that fond of,

people like me in other words. I have booked
the usual joint as they seem to have the best location for a group our size. If there is an enormous outcry we can modify this, but otherwise they have been our go-to for years and accommodate us well. As with last year there will be post-dinner festivities that will be announced shortly, so I booked a little earlier (see below) to give us time to enjoy the meal. We'll meet at the usual location, under the big ice sculpture behind the main elevators in the lobby of the Renaissance Waverly (funny how that thing still hasn’t melted after all of these years.) Come early! This is a great time for people that are new to meet other editors, mingle, tingle and enjoy. +1's and significant others are cool, just alert me so I can add them to the list. Just don't invite your whole family, I like to keep entourages at a bare minimum; harems are always welcome must check in with me first (room number to be added.) This is a social event folks, so arrive prepared for extroverts. If anyone is a little late, still come to the restaurant, I have the reservation under "AMV" and by the time the rest of us get there, they'll know exactly what group to put you with, for better or worse. The reservation is set for 7:30, so we’ll disembark from the hotel at 7:15. I know it’s early for some, but I it’s a real meal time, something people have bitched about for years. I have faith you can manage. I feel I have to say this for the first time in
*chough cough* a while, but please no cosplay or boomboxes at the restaurant. It just makes a hassle for the servers and general organization. I’m just

. Other than that just come hungry! Also it’s good to have some money. No one’s going to pay for your cheap ass and it’ll take a really long time to work off that debt washing dishes for minimum wage. However these meals are pretty big, so sharing is always an option.

Saves room for cheesecake too!

Hope to see you all there!
Also, RSVP below so I can get a head count for the restaurant.
Dinner Time: Thursday, Sept 25, 7:30pm
Meet Time: 6:45-7:15
Location: Cheesecake Factory, 1609 Cumberland Mall, Atlanta, GA 30339
Mode of Transportation: Your feet son!! We’re going to do the unthinkable and walk. It’s really close so just stick with the group and you’ll be fine. (Just in case here is a map:
coming soon)
Lest see who's going thus far:
- Mr. Pilk
- Pilkie
- Chaosprojects
- Addy
- Ghet
- Jingoro
- Troubleclef
- Uncle Bobby
- ngsilver
- Ruu-chan
- Ileia
- Uncle Bobby 2: the revenge
- Kit
- Glamstar
- kireblue
- Reggie
- SerenityAMV
- Lord Rae
- MycathatesyouAMV
- Pooky
- Vic
- Omar
- drewaconclusion
- Valcidious
- nameless +1
- some tired old dbag who still edits like he is using 2 VCRs
- speedy180
- + GF who lives in a Canada (likely Todd if I had to guess)
- sasukechanx
- random +1
- Vlad
- l33tmeatwad
- The Wired Knight

- PhoenixFeather
- BasharOfTheAges
- ZephyrStar
- GloryQuestor
- Shin-AMV
- GuntherAMVs
- RAWiswar
- Scintilla
- Cyanna
- corruptible youth
- slackergirl
- SailorDeath
- Koopiskeva
- Dext3r
- Gene Starwind 21122
- Mr. Oni
- +1
- DeRobert
- Haunter103
- fallchild43
- nicki_013
- irriadin
- Vivifx
I'm sure many more to come!