Hidden gems

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Hidden gems

Post by CrackTheSky » Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:28 pm

So there's a lot of in-depth, heated discussion going on in a few threads right now. It's great! I love this stuff! But I figured we could maybe use a lighter thread to do what many of us love doing: sharing AMVs with each other. Specifically, let's talk about those "hidden gem" AMVs that managed to fly under the radar and missed out on the recognition they were due. I love finding these! Every so often I'll come across a video with very few hits by an editor no one's heard of...and what do you know, the video is fantastic. I used to do a "Video Recommendations" blog years ago (link is still in my signature), and many of the videos included in there were relatively unknown at the time. I've been wanting to revitalize that, and may do so with my new blog (also in my signature), buuut for now I wanna hear from you guys.

So! Post some videos that you think are well-done but sadly unrecognized. It'd be great if you could share a little about what in particular you love about it. I'll probably end up checking 'em all out, and hopefully everyone else will, too.

I'll start:

Video: The spiral that girls up wake
Category: Drama, Serious
Anime: Children Who Chase Lost Voices From Deep Below (movie)
Song: Spiral
Artist: Andy Hunter
Creator: Megamom (Magic Side Studio)

Megamom was popular on the .org back in the day, but has kinda disappeared, more or less, in recent times. He uploaded this video a few months back, although the release date is from 2013. He never announced it so it got virtually no recognition, but it's probably my favorite video from him, which is saying a lot as he's been one of my favorite editors for years. I love it because it tells a story completely different from what's in the anime, but in the same spirit and with really clever and effective storytelling methods. As of right now it only has 93 hits on the .org, which is almost nothing, even considering that it's only been available for several months.

It's a shame about the title; he's Costa Rican and I think he ran it through Google translate or something, but it takes away nothing from the video itself. Check it out if you want something unique :up:

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by Shui » Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:26 pm

WTF Megamom made a vid in 2013? I remember him, good times. Though I find this video not as fascinating as you do, still a good amv which deserves more attention.
I guess it only feels out of place noways, because there's plenty AMVs like that.

Now it's my turn. Almost nobody not in the German Community knows this AMV. It's very crudely made - but oh so fun. I took it upon me to translate it. It won Connichi 2013.
Spoiler :
fucking stealing other poeples hard work and claiming it as your own, you guys should be ashemed

ppl fukin fuk spent years making those animes, blood sweat and spilt coffe stains drawing all day long just to get a title "animator: this GUY" and then those music ppl spend years learning to produce music, teams of so many hard working ppl just trying to get their stuff out there in the world then WHAT TEH FUK DO U GUYS DO? u fukin take the drawings, u fukin take the music, then u just slap it fukin together like its fukin nothing, then u make banners and og take credit for it fukin all like u fukin made shit goin amv contests actin liek ur teh fukin shit fukin sayin i amde this fukin liek if u fukin did fukin makin fukin the fukin fukin fukin fukin - MiyaDV (2014)

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by seasons » Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:49 pm

This AMV doesn't really do anything that you haven't seen before and isn't going to change your world, kind of falling right in between the silliness of "Engel" and the seriousness of "This Isn't What We Meant." But I think it's really good!

Video: 2016: Shinji's Odyssey
Category: Drama, Character Profile, Serious, etc. (+1)
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion (Director's Cut), Neon Genesis Evangelion (End of Evangelion)
Song: Space Oddity
Artist: David Bowie
Creator: CHAMELEON_D_H (Sight and Sound)

I don't know much about the editor or if he's ever coming back. This AMV seems to have languished in obscurity for the last decade but I think it deserves as much attention as a lot of other stuff from the same time period that's really well known.
CrackTheSky wrote:Video: The spiral that girls up wake
Category: Drama, Serious
Anime: Children Who Chase Lost Voices From Deep Below (movie)
Song: Spiral
Artist: Andy Hunter
Creator: Megamom (Magic Side Studio)
This was really pretty, I love the pacing and I don't know if the repetitiveness of it was really intentional or not but I thought it was really clever and really made it work for me in a way that a more conventional approach to this sort of video might not have. I'll definitely watch this again later before leaving any kind of a score for it.

I own this movie, watched it once and forgot about 95% of it, and now I'm wondering why because it looks so beautiful and I remember really enjoying it when I watched it.
Shui wrote:Now it's my turn. Almost nobody not in the German Community knows this AMV. It's very crudely made - but oh so fun. I took it upon me to translate it. It won Connichi 2013.
I didn't really laugh out loud at any of this but it has a truly "random" feel to it that's more whimsical and weird than almost any other AMV I can think of off the top of my head. Not sure if the language barrier added anything to that or not. I'm definitely glad you brought this into my life, though.

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by macchinainterna » Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:19 pm

Video: A City Divided
Category: Drama, Other, Serious, etc. (+1)
Anime: Perfect Blue, Akira (Movie), Metropolis (Rintaro), etc. (+5)
Song: For What It's Worth
Artist: Buffalo Springfield
Creator: JudgeHolden (Hana no JudgeHolden Productions)

Everyone knows JudgeHolden for his upbeat, often times fanservice-y amvs. Way back in the day though, he would also make some very out-of-the-ordinary drama videos that touched on some intense themes. My favorite out of his drama videos was A City Divided. While yes, it got considerably favorable reception and won awards at a couple of cons, it was nowhere to be found during the 2007 VCAs.

I love this video and how it focused on multiple perspectives of a city in anarchy; from the police enforcing law, to the rebels fighting against it, to the civilians caught in the middle of the fight. Judge used his various video sources meticulously to create a pensive and fitting mood and to convey such a powerful message. When I was starting out with my own editing this was the video that showed me what a drama video could really be.

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by MatthewRoy » Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:56 pm

Not sure if it's actually an hidden gem,it's just one of the few old videos that I remember watching and having quite an impact on me on my teenager days

Video: True Heroes
Category: Serious
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Song: Hero (Red Pill Mix)
Artist: Superchick
Creator: NeoMikey

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by Rider4Z » Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:48 pm

This is a great idea :D

Well, I don't know how unknown this gem is, but it's one of my personal favorites. It's got a decent number of hits but is over 6 years old... I found it on my own as opposed to seeing it in a contest or AMV room. It's also an FX-Free video :mrgreen:

Video: Darkest Hour
Category: Drama, Other, Serious
Anime: Batman: Gotham Knight (movie)
Song: The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
Artist: The Smashing Pumpkins
Creator: Prodigi (The Inner Circle)

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by Mol » Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:38 am

Welp i generally enjoy or enjoyed depressing vibe /dark or dramatic vids. Theres a few i think need some more attention.
Video: Eviscerated Butterfly
Category: Action, Drama, Other, etc. (+3)
Anime: RIN - Daughters of Mnemosyne (TV), Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou (TV), Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei (TV), etc. (+3)
Song: This Town Your Grave
Artist: Innerpartysystem
Creator: Yaaku
This vid introduced me to this editor (Got it suggested from Luggeriano via forum)
Mayybe its not perfect but surely it left a very good impression on me back in the day, today it looks fine too i guess.

Video: Unsaid
Category: Drama, Other, Character Profile
Anime: Kodomo no Jikan (A Child's Time) (TV), Wet Summer Days (OAV), Kodomo no Jikan Second Term, etc. (+1)
Song: The Dark I Know Well
Artist: Duncan Sheik
Creator: Yaaku

Mhm not as good as previous one imo, but nice litttle story , too bad he retired D:
Video: Naruto - Boiler
Category: Drama, Character Profile, Serious
Anime: Naruto
Song: Boiler
Artist: Limp Bizkit
Creator: Arczi
Think it might be most depressing/dramatic naruto amv i ever watched :sweat:
Video: Daydreamer
Category: Drama, Serious, Romance, etc. (+2)
Anime: Koi Kaze
Song: In front of a daydreamer
Artist: Bliss
Creator: » AceMan (Nano-da Productions)
Not sure if it qualifies as drama, pretty decent editing, and mood (i really like probably mostly because of song : p)
Video: Akvarko
Category: Drama, Character Profile, Serious
Anime: Akira (Movie)
Song: Akvarko
Artist: The Switch
Creator: Matik
Vid kinda matching what the orgnal vid to song did, i enjoyed. He has one more cool vid but seems like file got corrupted somehow, wonder if i have it somewhere.

Some action:
Video: Unscripted
Category: Drama, Character Profile, Serious, etc. (+1)
Anime: Ef - a tale of memories (TV)
Song: Heavy
Artist: Collective Soul
Creator: CrackTheSky (Rokujinshou Productions)

Maybe its funny but i found editing to get me pumped like ie in good action vid , theses days it doesnt do that, but still feels pretty action'y
Video: Switch
Category: Action
Anime: Switch (OAV)
Song: Roll it up
Artist: The Chrystal Method
Creator: emila145
Damn, that funky feel. Pretty much anything this girl made , left positive impression on me, good times.

Video: Cryggan Trailer
Category: Action, Drama, Serious, etc. (+2)
Anime: Spriggan
Song: Trailer Audio
Artist: Crysis Trailer
Creator: Arczi
Think the only trailers i really every enjoyed (there are some exceptions) were from this guy, or some inertia :uhoh:

Video: Geist
Category: Other, Character Profile, Serious, etc. (+2)
Anime: Mizugi Kanojo: The Animation (OVA), 5 Centimeters per Second (Movie), Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1.11 You Are [Not] Alone (movie) , etc. (+21)
Song: Little Ben
Artist: Two Steps From Hell
Creator: Animated, Kevmaster, FarmXD, Centurione
Think it needs little more love :3

Simply positive: p
Video: Wings
Category: Drama, Romance, Sentimental
Anime: Honey and Clover
Song: Moth's Wings
Artist: Passion Pit
Creator: mumsee

Video: We Like It Loud
Category: Fun, Dance
Anime: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto (TV), Shangri-La (TV), Blood-C (TV), etc. (+15)
Song: I like it loud, Satellite
Artist: Cash Cash, Cash Cash
Creator: KaizokuTalia
Not best effects, but some fresh stuff in the air.
Video: Spellbound
Category: Action, Fun, Dance, etc. (+1)
Anime: Slayers (TV), Slayers Try (TV), Slayers Next (TV)
Song: Vanity Angel
Artist: FIXX
Creator: *inverse* (.:Reversed Studios:.)
Magic :awesome:
Will try to come up with some more later :P
Still better than that MMO.

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by Gene Starwind 21122 » Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:15 am

This is one of my favorite AMV's. Just love how they twisted the story here to fit the song.

Video: Death For Passion
Category: Action, Drama, Serious
Anime: Naruto
Song: Die Die My Darling
Artist: Metallica
Creator: NightPunisher
No matter what, stay calm, stay cool and live life to the fullest.
Plus as Gene would say always go big in life.
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Re: Hidden gems

Post by Sephirothskr » Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:23 am

Not really extremely under the radar, but I loved act of genesis. Like good lord I loved that video. There are many a good amv that go unnoticed. Quite sad.

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Re: Hidden gems

Post by CrackTheSky » Tue Sep 23, 2014 2:00 pm

Watched through a few of these, will be getting around to most or all of them over time, but here are my thoughts on the ones I've watched...
seasons wrote:This AMV doesn't really do anything that you haven't seen before and isn't going to change your world, kind of falling right in between the silliness of "Engel" and the seriousness of "This Isn't What We Meant." But I think it's really good!

Video: 2016: Shinji's Odyssey
Category: Drama, Character Profile, Serious, etc. (+1)
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion (Director's Cut), Neon Genesis Evangelion (End of Evangelion)
Song: Space Oddity
Artist: David Bowie
Creator: CHAMELEON_D_H (Sight and Sound)

I don't know much about the editor or if he's ever coming back. This AMV seems to have languished in obscurity for the last decade but I think it deserves as much attention as a lot of other stuff from the same time period that's really well known.
This is probably among the most surreal Eva videos I've seen, and that's saying something. There's was something very disturbing about it. Not the best-edited video, and you're right in that it does follow the formula that a lot of Eva videos tend to, but still...really weird. I liked it a lot.
Shui wrote:Now it's my turn. Almost nobody not in the German Community knows this AMV. It's very crudely made - but oh so fun. I took it upon me to translate it. It won Connichi 2013.
Wat. Another really surreal video...I watched it without the subs so this was just flat-out bizarre to me, but it had me smiling the whole time. I also enjoyed this one a lot, thank you for sharing :D
MatthewRoy wrote:Not sure if it's actually an hidden gem,it's just one of the few old videos that I remember watching and having quite an impact on me on my teenager days

Video: True Heroes
Category: Serious
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Song: Hero (Red Pill Mix)
Artist: Superchick
Creator: NeoMikey
I'd like this video a lot more if it wasn't for the corniness of the song. The storytelling was really good, definitely not your run-of-the-mill Eva video, but that song...shudder.


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