When I started watching AMVs, I would watch anime and started connecting scenes in my head with songs I liked. "This scene would go so good with this part of this song!" sort of thing ^^...I guess it's another outlet of my fandom @.@;; Anime is such a beautiful medium, why not put two beautiful things together and make something amazing x3?!
JaddziaDax wrote:Sure an editor can be pointed out by someone who knows, or you could stalk the self photos thread (or maybe facebook?) to find out what a person looks like, but it isn't the same type of fame that vloggers and other internet famous get. An editor who goes to a convention isn't going to get mobbed because they aren't personally famous, their amvs are famous.
I stalked my favorite editors for years ;-;...//shame
Chiikaboom wrote:
While I very much appreciate the compliment
i'm going to have to disagree ;; a lot of people have stopped liking my stuff after I ditched the kawaii-desu route. I'm glad my video was able to inspire you though! Thank you so much!! ;//v//;
I like your more serious AMVs, Chiikaboom