This has been a rather slow year for me on the AMV front because of work and moving, but I really wanted to get my act together for AWA Pro though, and so I made this video in a few weeks.
Unfortunately I ran out of time and the version I submitted to Pro was a little less polished than I wanted it to be. But as soon as I got back I cleaned it up. And that's the version you see here.
I really wanted to try tackling the romance genre again as I was unhappy with what I achieved with Maybe, my last romance video. Since this was the first AMV I have done in Premiere that hasn't been under a crazy tight deadline I really wanted to explore the dynamic link between Premiere and After Effects, and experiment with motion and FXs to find the perfect balance between too crazy and just crazy enough. I was trying to use this video as a learning experience as a whole, and I feel like I learned a lot! Pretty proud of this video as a whole.
Lemme know what you think of my derpy video.