I mean.. without discussion we can't come up with solutions that please the most people... It is better to try and figure it out and discuss plans rather than just having stuff happen without talking about it, and have everyone get angry.Rider4Z wrote:BLAH all this talk. There is no secret formula that everyone will be pleased as punch with.
I honestly wouldn't mind that, but either option sounds reasonable.jingoro wrote:what do y'all think of "flex" trophies not mentioning the award they are for?
So at first, I wasn't into this because it raised a lot of concerns, just kind of along the lines of voting for top 10 in general, but the more I thought about it, the more I think this would be worth a shot.Warlike Swans wrote:How would this variant of the top 10 be?
First, I will discuss some of my concerns and the possible drawback of doing this, and then I'll say what I like about it, and some of the interesting opportunities it opens up.
My big concern with it, is since there is already a voting issue, I am not sure if people will want to take the time to properly consider all merits of a video, and give them proper, well-thought out rankings past the first 3. I have seen other ranking contests judged by participants having the first 3 videos be pretty strong and reasonable, but with the rest feeling almost random due to people not bothering to take the proper time to analyze the merits of all the videos. I would also be concerned with some people just picking the videos from what they personally liked most to least, regardless of the actual editing quality of the video since I have seen that in other contests before to. That being said, I would like to believe the participants of Pro are above that, which is why I think it would be worth a shot to do. Also, if that resulted in this being the only stage in voting, it would make sense that it would take a bit more time and dedication during this part, and it honestly still would probably end up being less time in the end than if the participants were asked to do the 3 rounds of voting we do now.
Now, here's the potential to the idea I like a LOT. First, it gives awards a kind of certainty that they will be spread out over more editors. In the current format, I do not think it is an issue if one video gets a lot of categorical awards if it is the best video, you know, that represents multiple categories. There are, though, some situations where some of the best videos end up not getting rewarded since one category is super stacked. I'll use upbeat for example. Most of the best in show nominations from last year were in the "Upbeat" category, so only one 3 or 4 upbeats that had the best in show nomination actually got an award. Which, again, in the current format happens and if perfectly understandable. With the top 10 video rankings, however, a stacked category won't screw over videos that would otherwise be very deserving of recognition.
I like Nyn's alternate suggestion because it will eliminate the really strong "feel bad" kind of vibe you get from getting an award that says you got "6th" place or something, and not knowing what the actual rankings are, besides best in show, will also prevent that from happening.
I know you are a bit concerned about it feeling like expo, and to that I have a suggestion that I believe will actually add to the uniqueness of Pro that would fit really well added to Swan's suggestion.
What if, when participants submitted their videos, there was an option to actually give a couple options of Award names they would like their videos to have? So of that video ends up ranking in the top 10 and gets an Award, they will actually have a name they came up with on the trophy. It will help make the videos feel really personalized, and kind of bring a really nice unique flare to the contest. I know that would mean the voting would either need to happen quite a ways away from the con, or that they get their awards after the con, but honestly, I think that would be worth it because I can't think of another contest that could give that opportunity to someone.
I hope all of this made sense xD If anything sounded weird or confusing let me know and I can clear it up since I kind of rushed to type this so I wouldnt be late for class xP