Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Xophilarus » Tue Sep 20, 2016 4:00 pm

Disclaimer: I tend to be pretty critical so if I have a lot to say about your video, please don't just assume I think it is garbage xD. I am a salty jaded editor so I'm a bitch xP. I tried to give some helpful critiques and advice, but, like with all other reviews, take it with a grain of salt. Also, there will be grammatical and spelling errors. I may have accidentally reviewed some DQ vids or missed some so if that happened, just let me know, and I'll make the appropriate changes in the document ^^

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Rider4Z » Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:09 pm

Disclaimer: I tend to be pretty critical so if I have a lot to say about your video, please don't just assume I think it is garbage xD. I am a salty jaded editor so I'm a bitch xP. I tried to give some helpful critiques and advice, but, like with all other reviews, take it with a grain of salt. Also, there will be grammatical and spelling errors. I may have accidentally reviewed some DQ vids or missed some so if that happened, just let me know, and I'll make the appropriate changes in the document ^^

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RYS ... sp=sharing


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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by CrackTheSky » Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:26 pm

HOKAY LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN. Reviews below (all of them this time, pretty sure). Gave each a score out of 10. Enjoy?
Spoiler :
16-020 - 4/10 - Pretty boring. These types of sentimental non-anime montages rarely work for me, and there wasn't enough editing to salvage this one. Pacing seemed way off and it wasn't organized in any meaningful way. Pass.

16-028 - 3/10 - No sync, no story, made no sense other than that one lyric. Dumb.

16-037 - 8/10 - I was not sold on this one at first but...man, the last minute or so completely changed my mind. Adorable video, incredibly solid storytelling, with a climax that everyone else should be jealous of. Really excellent work.

16-038 - 6/10 - One year...one year we'll have a contest where there isn't a Naruto video, but I guess that's not this year. In any case, this was about as close as I've come to actually liking a Naruto video from the last 10 years, but it still wasn't enough. I've seen this stuff before, so many times, I'm completely jaded on it. Good editing, good storytelling, but all in thoroughly well-trod territory.

16-039 - 4/10 - Really flat editing; this video did not feel nearly energetic enough for the song. It ended up just being really boring. I'll admit that a big part of the reason I couldn't get into this video was because the video source turned me off, but even so...the lack of editing on this didn't help at all. (Also, FYI, not a 16:9 source, make sure you correct the AR before you release the video.)

16-042 - 5.5/10 - Technically pretty good – good lip sync, rotoscoping, etc – but I didn't find it very funny as I think it relied too much on the audio and not enough on the editing/anime. It was ok.

16-044 - 6/10 - Great editing, but I couldn't follow the story (if there was one) and it felt like pretty much every other generic action video out there.

16-045 - 5.5/10 - Lip sync was not great, and I also feel like the joke works better for people who have seen the anime (which I haven't). Okay all-around.

16-046 - 3.5/10 - Stupid. 22 seconds? Why even bother?

16-050 - 6/10 - So much potential, I really wish this had been edited better because there were so many cool sync opportunities that were just wasted. A technical mess of a video, but there were also parts that I really liked. I just so wish this had been done better.

16-051 - 3/10 - Nothing about this video worked. Weird, off-kilter mood sync, horrible audio and visual quality, nonsensical scene selection. I get what you were going for but it just didn't work, at all.

16-052 - 8/10 - Great internal sync and flow, good storytelling, all-around a super-enjoyable video. First verse could have used quite a bit of work editing-wise, however.

16-053 - 8/10 - Loved this one. Such fun internal sync and a really great representation of the series in mood and pacing.

16-054 - 5/10 - Why are people still editing to this song? Like, seriously? AND AND AND it's not even the full song. Why. Why. WHY. The sync was fine and the mood was good and stuff but I mean good Lord it's 2016, there are approximately 1,226,458 Radioactive videos out there already, does the world really need ANOTHER one? At LEAST try to make it stand out somehow, instead of just re-using literally every other sync element that's in every other video that uses this song.

16-060 - 1.5/10 - I could give a laundry list of things wrong with this video...so I will: messed up framerate (looked like the video was running at like 15 fps most of the time), zoom-ins that degraded the quality, horrificly bad use of text, scenes with credits from the opening/closing (seriously?), lip flap, bad lip sync...it just goes on. On top of this the anime flat-out did not fit the mood of the song, at all. Just a really bad video.

16-062 - 3/10 - Clearly unfinished, this is dumb.

16-063 - 7.5/10 - Surprisingly good...solid editing, and a really appropriate combination that just plain worked. I really enjoyed this, and didn't think I was going to at all.

16-064 - 7/10 - Fun! Lip sync really sucked though, and fixing that would have gone a long way to making this better. Cute combo though, not bad.

16-065 - 5.5/10 - Weird-for-the-sake-of-weird videos can be good, but this one did nothing for me. The audio told a story, but the video didn't reflect that in the least. Just a bunch of surreal scenes flashing by one after the other. The editing was good, but there are so many videos out there that do this kind of acid trip thing better and are just a lot more enjoyable all-around.

16-066 - 4/10 - This kind of comedy works for some people, but not me, sorry.

16-067 - 5/10 - These type of fanservice-y ecchi videos are typically not my thing, and this one was no different. It was a good song/anime combo but the editing never really got into a good visual groove, and ended up feeling really static and repetitive. Coulda been ok, but just a lot of missed opportunities to make things more fun and creative.

16-070 - 7.5/10 - I liked this because it wasn't really a typical Shinsekai Yori video, and the atmosphere was just fantastic. I wish it wasn't so all over the place with its scene selection though; the story was difficult to follow and didn't always seem to make a whole lot of sense. Still, pretty solid video.

16-071 - 9/10 - This was crazy good. Absolutely spot-on sync, storytelling, emotional pull, everything. There were a few super minor editing choices that bothered me but they were negligible. Props for using such an unorthodox source and doing something really, really cool with it, great job!

16-072 - 7/10 - Not bad, and I typically hate trailers. Good sync, great choice of anime, good lip sync. A few of the scenes were a bit too static for my liking, but overall I think this worked well.

16-073 - 1/10 - Wanna know the fastest way to get me to turn off your video? Make it a blipvert video.

16-077 - 6/10 - It was alright. I have few critiques and few praises. Song was a good fit, but sometimes the on-screen action seemed to be a bit much. I dunno, it didn't leave much of an impression on me.

16-078 - 5.5/10 - This is just like every other Starset video I've seen. Sterile, cookie-cutter, boring.

16-079 - 5.5/10 - I just can't get into Jojo videos. This one was fine from an editing perspective but, a lot like the Mad Max video, I just can't find much to say about it one way or the other. It's fine. That's it.

16-080 - 5/10 - Very predictably dark and trippy Shinsekai Yori video, with not a whole lot going for it unfortunately. The effects use was haphazard and pretty much unnecessary. The editing was okay, but it too was uneven at best and never really seemed to get in a good rhythm. Nothing here worth returning to for me.

16-081 - 7.5/10 - I dug this one. Lighthearted, really good use of lip sync (which was done technically well most of the time), funny literal sync, all-around a pretty entertaining video. I think the only thing that's holding this back is the fact that it feels like a lot of other Host Club videos, and so it was really missing that uniqueness factor, but the solid editing and everything else definitely made up for it.

16-082 - 4/10 - Uggghhh this was super cheesy and melodramatic. I think the song was too lyrically specific, and I don't think you pulled the lyric sync off convincingly. It all just felt really contrived. Beyond this, I was not a fan of the use of flashes/glows on the beats (this sync device was way overdone here), and I'm assuming you messed with the color because almost every scene looks hypersaturated and it's just not an appealing look.

16-083 - 4/10 - Not for me. Live action videos are fighting an uphill battle with my tastes already, and this one offered nothing to me. If anything it just confirmed once again that I have zero interest in this show.

16-084 - 8/10 - Reeeeeallly fun, cute video that just reminds me that I need to watch this show. I enjoyed this one a ton. The only thing that I wasn't sold on was the pixel effect, as it seemed to serve absolutely no purpose other than the justify the video's title. It wasn't used enough to make any kind of conceptual sense, and it didn't serve any functional purpose. It didn't even look very good. The video wouldn't have suffered one iota if it hadn't been there, and I wish it hadn't because whenever it popped up, the scene in question suffered because of it. I still really liked this one though.

16-085 - 7/10 - This was good. I wish there had been more lip sync, but you succeeded in making me want to watch the anime which I guess is what these trailers are supposed to do, so props.

16-087 - 7/10 - I enjoyed this, it was fun and the anime/song combo was spot-on. I wish it was a little more visually upbeat, but it was definitely an enjoyable video.

16-088 - 0.5/10 - Ended up turning this off about a minute and a half in, after realizing there was zero actual editing. Just one long scene with music behind it. Pointless.

16-089 - 4.5/10 - This could have worked but it just felt really sloppy. Lip sync was off a lot of the time and the internal sync was too. Nothing really gelled with this one.

16-093 - 0.5/10 - Get out.

16-102 - 3.5/10 - It wasn't a very funny concept to begin with, and it ended up being a really boring video. Good job for sticking to your guns, I guess, but this one was just grating to me.

16-103 - 7/10 - Pretty much the exact same video as 16-087, to the point where I don't think there were enough significant differences for me to really choose between them. It's fun, I just wish there was a bit more energetic sync throughout. It doesn't seem like there'd be a lack of scenes to choose from.

16-104 - 1.5/10 - This is not how you do comedy. The entire thing is just a talking head, there are almost no visual gags, nothing clever, plus the source audio itself isn't funny to begin with. Making a good comedy video requires a lot more than just an anime character lip-syncing to a comedic audio source, it requires (gasp) thought and planning, neither of which are evident here.

16-105 - 2/10 - Had to turn this one off because the source was making me sick, but I didn't feel bad because the editing on this was terrible. Lip flap everywhere, no energy in the editing, this was an awful video with no redeeming qualities.

16-108 - 1/10 - I get the joke. It's not funny. Stupidly low creative effort. I hated this video, one of my least favorite in the whole contest. If this should be anything, it should be a segment in an AMV Hell-like video. It's a shame that someone felt the need to put so much technical effort into such an uncreative project.

16-109 - 3.5/10 - So. Fricking. Boring. Shot after shot of vampires biting people, no visual rhythm, just...gaaahhhh that one was rough.

16-110 - 7.5/10 - Powerful stuff, great build to a greater climax. I think things could have flowed a little better from one scene to the next, and some of the scene selection was a little wonky, but you nailed the storytelling, good job.

16-111 - 5.5/10 - You kept up the energy with pretty decent editing. My problems are mainly that you cut the song, and you had something going here so I wish you would have made a full video out of it. Also, why are you using standard def footage? The visual quality was really quite bad, which was frustrating because it didn't have to be (and this isn't an old enough anime for me not to notice/care).

16-112 - 1/10 - I don't care how much effort you put in to making that work, it was dumb.

16-113 - 5/10 - The voiceovers/subs kinda killed this one for me. I didn't think the editing was that great either, although it's difficult for me to pin down exactly what could have been improved. I actually think I might like this if I was familiar with the anime, but as it stands it was just kind of a mess in my eyes and I couldn't get into it nearly as much as I'd have liked.

16-114 - 8/10 - Wow, reallllly strong drama entry here, this one was captivating. Super intense emotionally, it completely drew me in. I wish the editing was a bit more consistent, and more rhythmic, but few videos so far top this one as far as storytelling goes.

16-115 - 5.5/10 - Couldn't really follow the story on this, and the effects were completely unnecessary and didn't add anything to the video. I dunno, it didn't do anything for me.

16-117 - 3.5/10 - Really, really boring. This could have worked, maaaaaybe, but the editing did neither source justice and it just ended up being a really slow, unconvincing, dull video.

16-118 - 3.5/10 - This combination didn't really make any sense, and the execution was bad. Every fricking lip sync scene was just a static frame with the mouth moving. Boring. There were also too many fades-to-black. Nothing about this was compelling in the least.

16-119 - 4.5/10 - This one couldn't keep my attention. Just random scene after random scene with just enough editing to hold it together. Not my cup of tea at all, it felt way too generic and forgettable.

16-120 - 4.5/10 - The stock filter you used looked really bad. Beyond that, the song just didn't seem to work with the video at all. I couldn't get into this one, it seemed like you had a good story going but none of the other elements worked to convey it.

16-121 - 4/10 - Super boring. Really un-dynamic editing, and the voiceover portion was bad. I personally hate voiceovers in serious videos like this, so that part just completely ripped me out of the video anyway.

16-123 - 2.5/10 - Could not have been less interesting if it had tried. Just crying face after crying face and tons of lip flap (and a few cases of horribly misplaced lip sync). Pretty much nothing redeeming about this for me.

16-124 - 3.5/10 - This was dumb. Entirely too fricking long, while abusing all the common trailer editing tropes (not referring just to AMV trailers btw) that I got tired of years and years ago. Ugh.

16-125 - 5/10 - Really inconsistent editing – there were some sync choices made at the beginning of the video that we never see again in the rest of the video. Beyond that the video didn't have good flow at all, it just felt sloppily put together. Props for having a somewhat unique focus for an FMA video, though.

16-126 - 7/10 - Best troll video :up:

16-127 - 5.5/10 - Good editing, but not my thing at all, sorry.

16-128 - 6/10 - Super smooth editing, I just feel like the song didn't do the video source justice, or vice versa. I did like this overall, but not enough for it to be all that memorable to me.

16-129 - 4/10 - Buzzfeed invading AWA Pro now. Just what the contest needs.

16-130 - 6.5/10 - Really good anime/song combo, but the editing on this was bad. Super inconsistent beat sync, really poor use of zooms, annoying black flashes...this had potential but too much of it was wasted.

16-131 - 2/10 - Way too obviously pandering and really stagnant editing. There's nothing in this video that I haven't seen done a whole heck of a lot better in other videos of this ilk. Pass.

16-133 - 4/10 - Weeb-pandering tripe that tries to recapture the lightning-in-a-bottle that was Otaku Paradise, but fails in every way. Live action felt awkward, the anime scenes overlaid on the various screens looked way too bright, and the video ended up devolving into a mess of random scenes that we've all seen before in other multi-anime AMVs. Not a whole lot redeeming about this one.

16-134 - 1/10 - Stupid.

16-135 - 4.5/10 - Boring. The editing was not my cup of tea at all, did not like the use of the quick hard cut flashes, and the rest just had no rhythm and felt sloppy.

16-137 - 3.5/10 - I can't stand this style of editing, with the masked transitions and constant zoom motions. Also, the blurs were way too heavy and the other distortion effects didn't look good. ALSO I'm pretty sure you messed with the color of the source material and it didn't look good. Just flat-out didn't like this one.

16-141 - 5/10 - Was not as awful as I was expecting, but felt really unfinished. There was just the right amount of lip sync, but it was all very poorly executed. There were also a few places where the scene selection did not match the audio in mood or anything. Just a very meh video.

16-142 - 7.5/10 - The best trailer from a technical perspective – seriously, very good internal sync, great lip sync, all that stuff – but not my favorite trailer in the contest. And unfortunately that's due to some unquantifiable, subjective thing that I can't really pinpoint.

16-143 - 6.5/10 - Eh, I mean, it was fine, but it did nothing for me. I'm having trouble finding much to say about this, good or bad. The average AMV fan would probably enjoy this, although I found it a bit boring.

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by jingoro » Tue Sep 20, 2016 9:50 pm

And the final ballots are being mailed.

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by MaboroshiStudio » Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:12 pm

Man I thought I was an dbag back in the day lol... fun read Ben!
Reports of my death were greatly exaggerated...

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by SailorDeath » Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:27 pm

Gimme a minute, I'll make a cool one....

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Rider4Z » Tue Sep 20, 2016 10:39 pm

CrackTheSky wrote:HOKAY LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN. Reviews below (all of them this time, pretty sure). Gave each a score out of 10. Enjoy?

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by Shin-AMV » Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:02 am


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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by irriadin » Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:49 pm

I didn't make a video this year, but I have to say this:

Some of you need to show more respect and decency to your fellow creators (editors, AMVers, whatever). It's easy to throw down a huge manifesto (or small but concentrated takedown) of how much each video sucks and maybe affix a meaningless rating to it.

That is not constructive, it is not funny, it does not make you a 'tough critic', it is just mean.

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Re: Obligatory, annual, elitist AWA 2016 Pro AMV review!

Post by VivifxAMV » Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:07 pm

irriadin wrote:I didn't make a video this year, but I have to say this:

Some of you need to show more respect and decency to your fellow creators (editors, AMVers, whatever). It's easy to throw down a huge manifesto (or small but concentrated takedown) of how much each video sucks and maybe affix a meaningless rating to it.

That is not constructive, it is not funny, it does not make you a 'tough critic', it is just mean.
This. I didn't participate this year either, although I did waffle for a long time about making a video.

But seeing the way that these pro reviews pan out again this year, honestly I'm glad I did not put forth any of my time or effort to participate in this. Every year I feel like pro just brings out the most toxic and salty aspects of this community. And that is absolutely devastating because I know how cool, inspiring and driving this community can be.

This competition should not be about tearing your fellow creators down and making them feel like they never want to edit again. It should not be about figuring out who made what video and then only supporting your favorites and belittling others. It should be about providing constructive criticism to help other editors grow and learn. It should be about sharing feedback in a positive way so that the winners chosen are truly the best videos, and those who lose walk away with the tools to make better videos.

The fact that I have heard from multiple editors at this point that they personally feel like they don't want to make AMVs, or were emotionally hurt by some of the 'reviews' in this contest should be telling, because even though I have been AMV AWOL for the last year, I STILL caught wind of this.

If you want to be an asshole that's your prerogative. But don't bundle your pettiness in with some half-assed advice and call it "a review."


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