For example, I'm talking about videos shown during action/drama/comedy-themed blocks, or "random"/free-play blocks of time? I am not referring to contests in which videos are submitted by outsiders.
And I am asking this question because, from 2000 until 2012/2013 or so (to pick an arbitrary cutoff date), I assume that all (or 99%) of the AMVs shown at conventions were originally downloaded from this site. In addition, there are other sources where you can download AMVs of note (, to be possibly the most notable example). I assume that for most of the history of AMV-themed programming at conventions, what I listed above may have covered 99% of what you were showing. Perhaps there were exceptions, private stuff you got from people you knew, etc. I don't know.
I am wondering how, going forward, you see yourself getting AMVs to show. It's possible/likely that most AMV editors today do not even make their videos available to download anywhere at all, and instead just upload them straight to Youtube. And yes, I know that a lot of those videos have technical issues that would make them unsuitable for showing at a convention anyway (subtitles, watermarks, AR problems, etc), which is to say nothing of how many of them are just not well-edited or the kind of videos that you'd want to screen, anyway. (Yes, this certainly applies to a lot of videos uploaded to the Org as well but I'm just acknowledging that obvious point to get it out of the way.)
I'm quoting this post because it's kind of relevant to the prevailing attitude around here these days:
It's great when you can rely on editors to go to the trouble to upload their works onto Google Drive or Mediafire or whatever service they choose to use. This doesn't always happen, however, and a lot of editors (both here and outside of the Org/AMV Central community) will upload exclusively to Youtube and either do not wish to make their work available for download or can't be troubled to go through the effort required to do so.PieandBeer wrote:Honestly, I think the upload feature on this site is becoming a bit obsolete. Most people just upload to Youtube and leave a link for the full version because they either do not want to go through the upload process again or the file size is too big. People are watching amvs first on youtube, not discovering them on the org, and it's easier to just drop a link to like gdrive or another service than it is to make people sign up/log in to the org. I still think the catalog function is essential, in case of youtube making our lives hell, but really just to get links to other services.
I guess I'm just worried that we're reaching the point where AMVs will become an artform that's exclusively streamed and not shared, that this will kill convention programming, that AMVs will become exclusive to the Internet and disappear from the "real world." How will you get videos to show when they're not longer being uploaded by anyone?