Just added feedback to the thread titleCenit wrote:Since there is no feedback thread yet i'd like to share some thoughts on the current state of the VCAs. TL;DR there should be less awards:

That's not a bad idea. I feel that MEPs and collabs can be vastly different and are juded by different standards though. MEPs intentionally try to make it obvious where one person's work ends and the other begins. But collabs try to blend everyone's work together so that no 1 person completely owns any specific part. I feel that this distinction is why the 2 categories are separated and should remain that way. Collabs and MEPs are becoming less common within the community though, and so I totally understand your reasoning.Cenit wrote:-> Merge Collabs and MEPs into one category. There were like 15 in each category this year. Every collab/MEP automatically proceeds into the second round
I personally don't share that opinion, and AMVs are actually trending to becoming shorter and shorter (which means more and more vids are becoming eligible for this category). But if people no longer want the "short video" category, it can be removed. I'd need a bigger consensus from the userbase though. It was a category that was voted in by the users multiple times in the past, and so it just became a permanent category.Cenit wrote:-> Remove best short video. Short Videos are usually the laziest AMVs unless done by blabbler
I actually disagree 100% with this one. I personally feel that the trailer genre is currently stronger than it has ever been. There are already a ton of really good trailers uploaded and cataloged for 2017, and 2016 was a really strong year as well IMO. The idea of merging the category with Parody isn't bad, but I personally feel that Trailers and pure parodies don't really compete that well with each other. So one solution that I've been considering is renaming the "Best Trailer or Commercial" category to simply "Best Trailer", and then renaming the "Best Parody Video" category to "Best Parody or Commercial". I feel that this is a much better split and makes the distinction between the two categories more understandable.Cenit wrote:-> Remove Trailer. I haven't seen a good AMV Trailer in forever. And there are hardly any to begin with. If you must, merge Trailer it with parody.
There is nothing about the single source category that relates to basic editing or not using effects. I personally feel that the category is meant to acknowledge videos that bring out the most of their source and have a certain charm due to their specific source combination. Not everyone see's the category the way I do, and so I totally understand wanting to remove it. So that's something I'll definitely consider with the other mods/ admins for next year's VCAsCenit wrote:-> Remove Best Use of Single Anime. Seriously that's basic editing. I haven't seen anything new/outstanding being done with single source Anime since Nostromos FMA Always Hardcore. Unlike use of multiple Anime, which is fine and should stay.
I think I can agree with everything that you said except that the award is meaningless. This year, the "Best first video" category was removed since I felt that its purpose was the same as the "Rookie of the Year" category. I do believe that there is a value in recognizing the efforts of new editors, but you've made valid points. And so, I'm not sure if I 100% agree or disagree with the idea of removing the category. But I'll add that to the list of things to discuss for next year's VCAs.Cenit wrote:-> Remove Rookie of the year. That award has always been misunderstood. lolligerjoj even refused his nomination because he had previous experience. You can not expect voters to truthfully check out every new editors catalog if they really just started now. Or judge them without knowing about their previous experience. Viewers will vote for whoever they know, vote randomly or don't vote at all. It's a meaningless award.
tryingCenit wrote:Oh and get a new website...

Although I didn't agree with a lot of your opinions, thank you for taking the time to offer feedback. And also, thanks for reminding me that there needed to be a designated thread for it