For those who don't know, it's a plot-driven Let's Play of Minecraft, using the Tekkit modpack (which itself was derived from Technic). Which then moved to a different server/modpack. Sadly, the story is unfinished, but what's there has a great balance of action, drama, angst, comedy, and FEELS!
It took me months to make this trailer. Choosing and putting together dialogue, and editing the audio, was my first task, and went surprisingly smoothly. Then came drawing and animating. I... was proud of it at the time, now I cringe. I've since drastically improved (though I haven't finished my 2nd major animation project to show it yet). But oh well, I still put lots of work into it, so hopefully some fans of the series can enjoy it. And if it helps introduce you to the series? Awesome. :3
The video description provides all necessary links for the YouTube series itself. Enjoy~!