by Timelessblurr » Thu Jan 09, 2003 4:06 pm
I go with I just plan suck at writing and since 7th grade until now (I am a secon year in collage) I have had 2 good enigh teachers
7th the teacher did useless thing like writing to contest and took points of my grade because she did not like ht book i was reading (It was my Teacher is an Alian)
8th grade good teacher
9th -he was a baseball coach did not care about teachering. We watch movies for most of the year. and did work out of a grammer book Learn Nouthing
10th- the teacher suck. Another coach. He was fired because he failed the Texas teacher exam (and My mom is still wonder how one can fail that test because she is a teacher and she say the test is pretty much a joke) Also he was hitting on the girls in his classes
11th - She was fired half way thoug the year for doing pot.
12th -- good teacher and I learn some engilish
1301 - I learned noughing about how to write. I learn more about the WW and caniblism.
Hell i only passes engish because my mom could go though my papers and find all my mistakes. it took quite a few time though just to get it up to a B. Also I just plan suck when it comes to writing.
If humans don't want me....
Then why'd they create me?
Armitage from OVAs