Shelene wrote:HellBlazer: You're an idiot, and I'm an asshole
Ashton: Bet you can't guess ...I'm an asshole
Wykith: What?! WRONG, my tits are sagging.
fyrtenheimer: Are you a girl? Just curious, BECAUSE I LIKE YOU.
And by the way, your image is broken. No good at html? But at least you're capitalizing your letters! I'm so proud of you. ^_^ And I know typing what I did was pointless, but I figure I would try or at least get my point out to someone else out there.
I ought to stick around just to annoy you. And I don't 'dis' I tell the truth. Or maybe I care way too much and that's why I try to (yes, it's too, i spelled it wrong, im an idiot, but this isnt about me) hard.
you're hurting me
TRY TO ANNOY ME??! PLEEEEEASE, I don't think I can handle that!
oh dear, I guess I'll go walk off the end of the internet in hopes that you won't cyber abuse me
You're just one big illegal internet activity aren't yah Dr. Shelene?