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Post by Mroni » Mon Jan 20, 2003 1:06 pm

akatoro wrote:Oooooh
I thought this 'U.S vs. Iraq' war was about USA wanting to secure their cheap petrolsources.

My opinion.. Is best kept to myself to ward of flames and whatever..

Good Idea and remember most of the Oil the Us uses comes from the gulf of mexico.

Mr Oni
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Jace Tsunami
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Mon Jan 20, 2003 1:26 pm

when we NEED to tap it, we're gunna be the big oil industry of the world! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Alaska is where it's at, TONS of the stuff.

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Post by akatoro » Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:22 pm

MistyCaldwell seems to be an understanding woman.

The American government and military is not the international police!
It's gonna be so boring when all the 'bad' countries are gone. Who's next?
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:26 pm

Jace Tsunami wrote:We're too young a country, and too predictable. We get WAY to worked up if we lose a life. Sure 9/11 was absolutley terrible, but we need to sucxk it up and make arrangments with these people. Show the league of nations the issue was solved, so that next time something happens other countrys want in too. I mean in WW2 Japan, Italy, and Germany were so succesfull because they knew we wouldn't do anything. We need to be more active in the WORLD'S issues, and take some beatings. You just have to deal with things sometimes. I mean have we accomplished anything? no, so for over a year we've been wasting efforts going over there and stuff, not to mention more people are going to die.

We're really provoking them towards a war, it's too much and everyone knows it. England is always the first to jump in if something's wrong, but now as they see it because of all our antics we're provoking them and it's going to be our fault (most likley true) so now they're backing out because they don't want a war on their hands.

If we had talked out our way through 9/11, just one mroe thing ANYTHING bad at all, and I guarentee another country would have got in on this. Now something bad goes wrong, well it was our fault. Now we get to sit back and watch brittain and france say no. not to mention Russia, the last 2 wars fucked them good, now that they're becoming a good powerfull contrey that's propsering, why risk throwing it away with out good cause?

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Post by akatoro » Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:31 pm

We need to be more active in the WORLD'S issues, and take some beatings. You just have to deal with things sometimes. I mean have we accomplished anything? no, so for over a year we've been wasting efforts going over there and stuff, not to mention more people are going to die.
If by active you mean democraticly involved, Join in!
If by active you mean being the international police, leave it the UN - that is what they're there for.

I agree that 11/9 was a terrible and tragic event, but bombing a country to get back at them cost many more lives then what was lost on that day. Not to mention the 'efforts' or 'issues' earlier.. The ones with the bombs falling on small countries.
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:33 pm

am I on some inviso ban list or something?

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Post by jonmartensen » Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:34 pm

akatoro wrote:MistyCaldwell seems to be an understanding woman.
No, she is biased in her forming of opinions based on the facts that she has, just as Mr Oni is biased (though admittedly much more than misty)

I dislike your blanket statements backed by all powerfull opinion, and there is no war. There may be war in the near (or far) future, but as of now there is no war.

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Post by kthulhu » Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:39 pm

Jace Tsunami wrote:ah, she's swedish! :wink:
No, she's Russian.

Although Russia apparently gets it name from the Rus, who were traders that migrated from Sweden to Russia.

Or something like that. So there probably is a Swedish connection.
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Post by kthulhu » Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:42 pm

Something I posted on the Bebop forum:

North Korea does not have missiles that can reach the US mainland. They do, however, have rockets that can reach Tokyo and Seoul, as well as conventional artillery capable of shelling Seoul in minutes and at least a million troops near the 38th Parallel, which could pretty easily mop up the 38,000 troops we have stationed there, as well as many South Korean forces. China may also get involved on the North's side if the shit hits the fan.

The big issue is how powerful their nukes are (not terribly, compared to other nuclear powers, but vaporizing one city with one bomb is bad enough), and what they will do with them. They do not have the capability of raining down worldwide devastation on their own like NATO, Russia, (and I think) China does, but they can act as a spark hitting the powderkeg's fuse. There is also the issue of them possibly selling nukes to terrorist groups, which is a more frightening thought.

The question is, how to proceed? A military invasion could cause them to at least start shelling the South, and maybe even launch a missile at Seoul - not good. Diplomacy may be the best way, but right now the North seems to be in an extortionary/sabre rattling state. The South isn't really helping matters with its anti-American protests (over a military vehicle ACCIDENT that killed two girls recently, as well as just the usual angst).

The thing to hope for, I suppose, is that all sides will see the potential for bloody death and madness on the Korean peninsula (and in Asia in general), and calm things down peacefully (although hopefully not with more aid appeasement for the North). Still, how reasonable Kim Jong Il is, is open to speculation, considering that he rules a nation that has been brainwashed into an almost cult like state, has what is probably the biggest collection of Daffy Duck cartoons in the world in what is close to the the biggest personal video collection in the world, and lives like a king while most of his population isn't getting enough to eat or are in concentration camps (upwards of two million people), with conditions and treatment equalling and at times, seeming to surpass, those in Nazi Germany.

Communism fails again.
I'm out...

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Post by MistyCaldwell » Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:43 pm

Yeah, I do have a lot less respect for my governement than most people...and I am certainly not a blind patriot. I just don't have any faith in them because I look at the facts and then how they fail to present it to the general public. They know the general public are not too worried or involved in the World's politics and that is the fault of the people themselves. But they use it to their advantage. How many Americans go to a foreign news source once a day? A week? A month? Hardly any. But I do.

Propaganda exists everywhere but somewhere on the polar ends of all these opinions is the truth and most amercians never get to realize that. Most of them are busy with jobs, some are just lazy and others are blinded by the decent lifestyles they have to bother to think about others...some have problems of their own and some are just blind patriots. That's how I see it. But I still look at the horrible things the government has done without too much notice to everyone. I lose respect naturally.

And then there is the cnn reports about what our troops are doing 24/7. It happened like that in the Gulf War but they used it as a tool to 'fool' Saddam though not very well. Right now the tactic is scare tactics. It's a bully tactic and I don't like it....and I don't like being represented to the world in a way I don't agree with.


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